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All he saw was a line of omnibuses and a few ramshackle vehicles that twenty years back might very well have passed for victorias. A grizzled old negro, in command of one of these sea-going conveyances, caught Warburton's eye and hailed jovially. "Whar to, suh?" asked the commodore. "Scott Circle, and don't pommel that old nag's bones in trying to get there. I've plenty of time."

Upon my soul, sir, I don't understand you," he mumbled. Mr. Rodney, although he hailed from Seattle, had never known anything but a clean and unrumpled conscience. Freddie clapped him jovially on the shoulder. "It's all right, Mr. Rodney. I'll take your word for it. But if we are black sheep we shan't be blackguards. We'll stand by the ship. What's to be done? Bail 'em out?"

Sure we'll do the house over then, if we don't do it before. Eddie will have to fix it up, or I'll do it meself. Never fear." "Yes well, I'd rather you'd fix it now," was her reply. Butler himself used to strike her jovially on the shoulder in a rough, loving way, and ask, "Well, have you found him yet?" or "Is he hanging around the outside watchin' for ye?"

"I see you are takin' a few nubbins for the old cow," said Squire Rawson, one afternoon as Gordon started off, at which Gordon blushed as red as the cherries he was carrying. It was just what he had been doing. "Well, that is the way to ketch the calf," said the old farmer, jovially; "but I 'low the mammy is used to pretty high feedin'." He had seen Mrs.

The knock came again. It went shrieking through and through her. "Kirry," whispered a voice from without. She did not stir. "It's only Pete." She neither spoke nor moved. There was silence for a moment, and then, half nervously, half jovially, half in laughter, half with emotion as if the heart outside was palpitating, the voice came again, "I'm coming in, darling!"

"The important thing," said Fanny jovially, "is that Wilbur did get her, and not only got her, but kept her!" Eugene was as pink as Isabel, but he laughed without any sign of embarrassment other than his heightened colour. "There's another important thing that is, for me," he said. "It's the only thing that makes me forgive that bass viol for getting in my way." "What is it?" the Major asked.

Now five and six a day roared in, spilled 500 to 800 passengers into the packed streets, and roared away again. As the heavily loaded trains met or passed each other along the route the excited crowds called jovially to one another, "Suckers! Suckers!" With but 4000 claims, the chance to win was slim. On the station platform, in the thick of the crowds, were the Indians.

I take no account of their kilometers," he replied dryly, rubbing away at his skirt as if he had it in a washtub. "Well, about how long will it take us to walk it?" "That I couldn't say. A Scotsman would do it in an hour." "I guess a Yankee can do it as quick as a Scotchman, can't be?" Hicks asked jovially. "That I couldn't say. You've been four years gettin' this far, I know verra well."

"It is the same thing!" cried the governor jovially. "I will provide for her. But that must satisfy you, or else all those unbelievers whom we are settling here will drive us Moslem Arabs out of the land."

"May I remind you," said he, stiffening with the gentle insistence of a steel spring, "that I am not to be addressed in sarcastic tones any longer?" The Mammoth slid up beside us. The stout John Quincy Burton at the wheel shouted jovially: "I tell you what, Todd, when our soberest university professors get the speed bug, I tremble for civilization!" My owner grinned with pleasure. "Mrs.