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On asking our jarvey the meaning of Bally as a prefix, he answered reflectively: "I don't think there's annything onderhanded in the manin', melady; I think it means BALLY jist."

Herne," said the cook. "A cross, 'aughty old thing, who fights always. She's been coming here with Mr. Jarvey Hale and Mr. Clancy for the last three years. They play whist every evening and go away regular about ten. Missus let's 'em out themselves or else rings for me. Why, there's the bell now," and Mrs. Pill rose. "No! I go," said Susan, rising also. "Miss Loach told me to come when she rang."

"In the boat." "What ye got in that handkerchief?" "My dinner," replied Tom. "Won't you take a bite?" "What ye got?" "A piece of cold chicken and some bread." "We don't mind it now, sonny. Hev you seen any men with this gear on in these yere parts?" asked Jarvey, as he pointed to his uniform. "Yes, sir," replied Tom, vigorously. "Whar d'ye see 'em, sonny?"

Why don't he naturalise them in America? All the way was charming, the day very bright, and even warm, and the hill scenery picturesque at every turn. We looked out sharply for the hunt, but in vain. My jarvey, who knew the whole country, said they must have broken cover somewhere on the upper road, and we should miss them entirely. And so we did.

'I'll give you a dram when we've got through, said he, affecting a sprightliness which sat on him most unhandsomely, 'and not a drop till then. Business first, and pleasure afterward. With this promise the jarvey was prevailed upon to clamber to his place and drive, with hideous deliberation, to the door of the Lodge.

Miss Masterson has gone through some surprising adventures this evening, and I think it were better if you allowed her to withdraw at once, Mr. Pomeroy. 'Jarvey, take the lady, Mr. Pomeroy cried. 'A sweet pretty toad she is. Here's to your eyes and fortune, child! he continued with an impudent grin; and filling his glass he pledged her as she passed. After that he stood watching while Mr.

Again the house echoed with 'Jarvey, Jarvey! on top of which the door opened and an elderly man-servant, with his wig set on askew, his waistcoat unbuttoned, and his mouth twisted into a tipsy smile, confronted the wanderers. The man held a candle in a hand that wavered and strewed tallow broadcast; the light from this for a moment dazzled the visitors.

Mr Bloom, scarcely knowing which way to look, turned away on the moment flusterfied but outwardly calm, and, picking up from the table the pink sheet of the Abbey street organ which the jarvey, if such he was, had laid aside, he picked it up and looked at the pink of the paper though why pink. Also why washing which seemed rather vague than not, your washing.

She behaved like an unbroken filly at first, but soon striking her pace, turned out a capital goer, and took us on without turning a hair till her work was done. The weather continued to be good, but clouds rolled up around the horizon. "It'll always be bad weather," said our saturnine jarvey, "when the Judges come to hold court, and never be good again till they rise."

We made an early start from Dungloe on a capital car for Letterkenny, where we were to strike the railway for Strabane and Newtown-Stewart. The morning was clear, but cold. On leaving Dungloe we drove directly into a region of reclaimed land, where improvements of various kinds seemed to be going on. All this our jarvey informed us, with a knowing look, belonged to Mr. Sweeney.