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The early education of the Mikado's children is entrusted to the ladies of the court: the sons, while still young, are sent to different religious fraternities; and the daughters, on attaining a suitable age, are bestowed in marriage on the nobles of the country, except the eldest, who is appointed chief priestess of the temple of the Sun at Issie, which contains the shrine of Ten-zio-dai-zin, to which all Japanese are supposed to make a pilgrimage once in their lifetime.

Well, the mornin' ye came back frae Charleston, she was lyin' white an' still on the pillow. She hadna spoke a' through the nicht, an' we a' thocht she wad speak nae mair but at six o'clock yir train blew afore it came into the station. An' wee Issie stirred on the pillow. Her lips moved an' I pit doon my ear. "'He'll be on that train, she whispered low. 'Wha'll be on the train? I askit her.

'The minister, was a' she said. "I was alane wi' her, an' I said: 'Mebbe so, Issie. Then she spoke nae mair for a little, but soon she said: 'God'll bring him back to open the gate for me before I go. Grandfather, she said, 'he first told me of the gate and he said I would find it beautiful when I got close and so it is but I want him to push it farther open, for I am so weak and tired.

"Come in, come in," I said cordially, for he was dear to me, and we had the bond of a common sorrow. "Have you forgotten something?" "No," he answered, "but I hae minded something. I didna speak when a' the ithers spoke; but I want to tell ye something by yirsel'. I think ye ought to ken. It has to dae wi' yir decision. "Ye mind wee Issie?

The white thin hands were tightly held, one in her father's, the other in her mother's, as though they would detain her; but the angels heeded not and went on with the preparations for her flight. These were almost complete when I arrived; Issie alone knew that they were of God's providing, for the face she turned to me was full of childish sweetness, and her smile was touched with other light.

No accountin' for tastes, as the fellow said! Can you understand it yourself, sir?" "I think I can," was my reply; "let us hurry on," and in a few minutes we were at Issie's house. Little Issie had long since snuggled down in her own separate place in my heart; she was indeed a favourite with all who knew her but I saw as I stepped into the room that God loved her best of all.

Teacher deftly patted her hair and stock into place, and set out in great interest and excitement to see the "beautiful yonge uptown lady." "Come, Isidore," she called. "Mine name ain't Isidore," he announced "Und it ain't Issie neither, but it's awful stylish. I gets it off my new mamma. It's a new name too." "Dear me," cried Miss Bailey. "What is it, then?" "I don't know," answered Isidore.

Andrew's people and occupy their proffered pulpit. My heart had sore misgivings when I said good-bye to Issie Hogg; her years were but thirteen; and every year had bound her closer and closer to my heart till I knew she was more dear to me than any other child save one. The sands of life were nearly run and I feared greatly lest they might be spent before I should return.

He admonished Isidore to superhuman efforts towards the reformation which might keep him in this beautiful room and under the care of its lady, and, as he was about to return to his neglected sewing machine, he gave Miss Bailey all he had to give: "Say, Teacher," said he, with a wistful glance at his frail little son; "say, you want to lick Issie? Well, you can." "Oh, thank you very much, Mr.