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'I am not prepared to discuss that, Madeline said, at no pains to smooth the curve out of her lip. 'Then I thought, "Perhaps you never can tell with people she will think it her DUTY to make a fuss." 'That is a possible point of view. 'I know. You think I'm an imposter on society and I ought to be exposed, and I suppose you could shut every door in Simla against me if you liked.

"When we are found out I shall be turned out of the house as an imposter, of course, but that will be all that can happen to me. It's you who will have to bear the brunt of both Mrs. Murray's anger and of your grandfather's."

"It proves," he roared, with a sudden blast of fury, "that you are the damnedest imposter in London a vile, crawling journalist, who has no more science than he has decency in his composition!" He had sprung to his feet with a mad rage in his eyes.

I should not sleep nights." "If it is not done, Coblich, and Leopold comes into his own," said Peter slowly, "you will be caught and hanged higher than Haman. And if you do not do it, and the imposter is crowned today, then you will be either hanged officially or knifed unofficially, and without any choice in the matter whatsoever.

Just so, the claim to divinity made by Jesus was to the High Priest, who looked forward to the coming of a Messiah, one that might conceivably have been true, and might therefore have misled the people in a very dangerous way. That was why he treated Jesus as an imposter and a blasphemer where we should have treated him as a madman.

It seemed that some of his mother's family with whom he had communicated must have desired to gain the favour of the favourite of the king by relating the circumstances to him, for a short time after Ronald's interview with the marshal the marquis came up to Colonel Hume when he was on duty in the king's antechamber, and, in the presence of a number of courtiers, said to him: "So, Colonel Hume, I find that I have to thank you for harbouring in your regiment an imposter, who claims to be my grandson.

There are many sects, including the Bars, that consider you an imposter; but the rest perhaps the most believe you the Herald of the Day. All want to see you, for whatever motive." "These Bars; who are they?" "The military priesthood, my lord. As priests they teach a literal interpretation of the prophecy; as soldiers they maintain their own aggrandisement.

Ay, a lackey to your honour! an imposter that would endeavour and, oh, so very vainly! to impersonate another's baseness! and a thief that has stolen another person's punishment! I ask no questions; loving means trusting; but I would like to kill that other person very, very slowly. I ask no questions, but I dare to trust the man I know of, even in defiance of that man's own voice.

"Greater New York," says the lad pathetically, and pulls his hat firmly down over his ears. Ben looked at the imposter with horror in his eyes. "Brooklyn!" he muttered "the city of the unburied dead! So that was the secret of your strange behaviour? And me warming you in my bosom, you viper!"

"Are you one of those Reds?" And what could poor Peter say? How could he explain his acquaintance with that Teutonic face and that Teutonic accent? The girl stamped her foot with impatient anger. "So you're one of those Reds! You're one of those pro-German traitors! You're an imposter, a spy!" Peter was helpless with embarrassment and dismay. "Miss Frisbie," he began, "I can't explain "