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Illus., plans. The Discovery of Pre-Historic Human Remains near Cuzco, Peru. American Journal of Science, XXXIII, No. 196, 297-305, April, 1912. Illus., maps. A Search for the Last Inca Capital. Harper's Magazine, CXXV, 696-705, October, 1912. Illus. The Discovery of Machu Picchu. Ibid., CXXVI, 709-719, April, 1913. Illus. In the Wonderland of Peru.

The Rodadero; A Fault Plane of Unusual Aspect. Ibid., XXXVII, No. 220, 289-298, April, 1914. Illus. A Geologic Reconnaissance of the Cuzco Valley. Ibid., XLI, No. 241, 1-100, January, 1916. Illus., maps. Osgood Hardy: Cuzco and Apurimac. Bulletin of American Geographical Society, XLVI, No. 7, 500-512, 1914. Illus., map. The Indians of the Department of Cuzco.

We must begin to question his Understanding, and saying a respect of decency, it looks as if his Musical Head was out of Tune, to Illus tratellus. I crave leave to tell you a Story out of your own Country, which we have heard of hither. 'Vat is dat you say? says Monsieur, being a little affronted, the Man reads it again, as before. Charles the Second, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland.

Ibid., XXXVI, No. 211, 3-14, July, 1913. Illus. Vertebrate Fossils from Ayusbamba, Peru. Ibid., XXXVII, No. 218, 141-154, February, 1914. 3 pl. The Collection of Osteological Material from Machu Picchu. Trans. Conn. Academy Arts and Sciences, v, 3-96, May, 1916. Illus., 39 pl., map. William G. Erving, M.D.: Medical Report of the Yale Peruvian Expedition.

American Journal of Science, XXXIV, 12-16, July, 1912. Illus. Isaiah Bowman: The Geologic Relations of the Cuzco Remains. American Journal of Science, XXXIII, No. 196, 306-325, April, 1912. Illus. A Buried Wall at Cuzco and its Relation to the Question of a Pre-Inca Race. Ibid., XXXIV, No. 204, 497-509, December, 1912. Illus. The Cañon of the Urubamba.

American Anthropologist, XXI, 1-27, January-March, 1919. 9 pl. Sir Clements Markham: Mr. Bingham in Vilcapampa, Geographical Journal, XXXVIII, No. 6, 590-591, Dec. 1911, 1 pl. C. H. Mathewson: A Metallographic Description of Some Ancient Peruvian Bronzes from Machu Picchu. American Journal of Science, XL, No. 240, 525-602, December, 1915. Illus., plates.

This action at once renewed the suspicion of Constantinople; but when in 484 Odoacer entered into negotiations with Illus, the last of the insurgents who disturbed the reign of Zeno, Constantinople decided that he must be broken; therefore Feletheus, king of the Rugians upon the Danube, was stirred up against him, and when that failed, for Odoacer defeated him, Constantinople sent Theodoric and his Ostrogothic host into Italy to dispose of Odoacer the patrician .

Know that the great lord and illus- trious Kni8ht, SIR SAGRAMOR LE DESIROUS having condescended to meet the King's Minister, Hank Mor- gan, the which is surnamed The Boss, for satisfgction of offence anciently given, these wilL engage in the lists by Camelot about the fourth hour of the morning of the sixteenth day of this next succeeding month.

Bulletin of American Geographical Society, XLIV, 881-897, December, 1912. Illus., map. The Andes of Southern Peru. Geographical Reconnaissance Along the Seventy-third Meridian, N.Y., Henry Holt, 1916. xi, 336 pp., plates, maps, plans. Proceedings of U.S. National Museum, XLIV, 177-187, 1913. Ibid., XLV, 585-586, 1913. Proceedings of U.S. National Museum, XLIV, 347-357, 1913.

Harper's Magazine, CXXIX, 452-463, August, 1914. Illus., map. The Pampaconas River. The Geographical Journal, XLIV, 211-214, August, 1914. 2 pl., map. The Story of Machu Picchu. National Geographic Magazine, XXVII, 172-217, February, 1915. Illus. Types of Machu Picchu Pottery. American Anthropologist, XVII, 257-271, April-June, 1915. Illus., 1 pl. The Inca Peoples and Their Culture.