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In ch. xliii. he introduces to us an eminent and "chosen servant of God," whom he invests with all the evangelical virtues, and declares that he is to be a light to the Gentiles. In ch. xliv. The same speaker continues in ch. l., which is equally Messianic in sound. It is essential to understand the same "elect servant" all along.

'I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins. ISAIAH xliv. 22. Isaiah has often and well been called the Evangelical Prophet. Many parts of this second half of his prophecies referring to the Messiah read like history rather than prediction.

Thus he held that tower all the time of the siege, which lasted a year, without its suffering any injury, and rejoicing greatly in the salvation of the land and the damage he did to the enemy. XLIV. But afterwards the enemy entered the city by treachery, and many of the citizens were taken and killed.

The Bishop could not be ignorant that nephesch signifieth corpus animatum, as well as anima, and that the Hebrews do not always put this word for our souls, but very often for ourselves. So Psal. vii. 2. and Psal. lix. 3, we read naphschi,—my soul for me; and Psal. xliv. 25,—naphschenu, our soul for we; and Gen. xlvi. 26, col-nepheschomnis animae, for omnes homines.

XLIV. That the said Hastings did highly aggravate his offence in discountenancing and discouraging the reëstablishment of magistracy, law, and order, in the country of Oude, inasmuch as he did in the eighth article of his instructions to the Resident order him to exercise powers which ought to have been exercised by lawful magistrates, and in a manner agreeable to law.

XXXVI. A Female Jesuit XXXVII. The Plot XXXVIII. Adrienne's Enemies XXXIX. The Skirmish XL. The Revolt XLI. Treachery XLII. The Snare XLIII. A False Friend XLIV. The Minister's Cabinet XLV. The Visit XLVI. Presentiments XLVII. The Letter XLVIII. The Confessional XLIX. My Lord and Spoil-sport L. Appearances LI. The Convent LII. The Influence of a Confessor LIII. The Examination

XLIV. Is this then a thing of that worth, that for it my soul should suffer, and become worse than it was? as either basely dejected, or disordinately affected, or confounded within itself, or terrified? What can there be, that thou shouldest so much esteem? XLV. Nothing can happen unto thee, which is not incidental unto thee, as thou art a man.

P. R. Myers: Results of Yale Peruvian Expedition of 1911 Addendum to the Hymenoptera-Ichneumonoidea. Proceedings of U.S. National Museum, XLVII, 361-362, 1914. S. A. Rohwer: Results of Yale Peruvian Expedition of 1911 Hymenoptera, Superfamilies Vespoidea and Sphecoidea. Proceedings of U.S. National Museum, XLIV, 439-454, 1913. Leonhard Stejneger: Results of Yale Peruvian Expedition of 1911.

Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1911, xvi, 405 pp., plates, maps, plans, 8°. Preliminary Report of the Yale Peruvian Expedition. Bulletin of American Geographical Society, XLIV, 20-26, January, 1912. The Ascent of Coropuna. Harper's Magazine, CXXIV, 489-502, March, 1912. Illus. Vitcos, The Last Inca Capital. Proceedings of American Antiquarian Society, XXII, N.S., 135-196. April, 1912.

Cogitare enim, et providere, et discere, et docere. . . . in horum quatuor generum nullo inesse putat; quintum genus adhibet vacans nomine. SECT. XLIV. Matter Cannot Think. But let us suppose whatever you please, for I will not enter the lists with any sect of philosophers: here is an alternative which no philosopher can avoid.