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"This is as near as man has ever come to making a living thing," Nea explained. "It moves. It reacts to sensations. It makes its own energy. Watch!" Slowly the globe with its trailing tentacles moved about the room. It whined hungrily when it found the batteries. It hovered above them and the silky wires fanned out. Then it darted down.

His table companion was a half-grown boy with chapped hands and a thin white face; but his eyes were clear and happy, and the piece of pie he was eating was being swallowed in huge hunks. It was his sole order, a piece of awful-looking pie. As the coffee and oysters were brought him Van Landing saw the boy look at them hungrily and then turn his eyes away. "I beg your pardon."

Again there came the whine, then the sound of an animal scrambling, and next the patter of feet. "A dog," whispered Venning. "I advise keeping on," said Compton. "And I," replied Mr. Hume, "advise that we have something to eat. Will you serve us, Venning?" They ate hungrily, for through the day they had been too much excited to think of food.

He resumed his caution farther on and shot two fine, fat prairie hens, returning with them to Castle Howard before Dick awoke. When Dick did awake, the second installment of the soup was ready for him and he ate it hungrily. He was naturally so strong and vigorous and had lived such a wholesome life that he recovered, now that the crisis was past, with astonishing rapidity.

Then she brought him a bowl of chicken broth with which she fed him. It tasted delicious, and he swallowed it hungrily and wished there had been more. Then as he lay back on the pillows he remembered all that had happened the horses running down the street, his attempt to stop them, and the awful blow on his head as it struck the curbstone. "Wonder where I am?

Peasoup, Maggy said. Where did you get it? Katey asked. Sister Mary Patrick, Maggy said. The lacquey rang his bell. Barang! Boody sat down at the table and said hungrily: Give us it here. Maggy poured yellow thick soup from the kettle into a bowl. Katey, sitting opposite Boody, said quietly, as her fingertip lifted to her mouth random crumbs: A good job we have that much. Where's Dilly?

There was something in his tone that made Ezekiel hasten to say: "Oh, I won't." "And I won't shake you," said Rachel, flying out from behind her hands and up to him, "if you'll only let me stay here; just let me stay," she cried, hungrily. "Well," said Ezekiel, with a great deal of condescension, "if you won't shake me, you may stay at our house."

They were going to visit Wibert, the Deputy-Governor of Rheims, to pay him some money which the Bishop owed, all the money which he had in the world. And that is why they had nothing left to buy them a breakfast, and why little Pierre gazed into the bakers' shops so hungrily and licked his lips as they passed.

"It takes forever to get anything to eat. If I'd ordered it yesterday, I'd have some hopes of getting it to-day." Then, apparently forgetting the existence of the three girls, she sat with eyes fixed hungrily on the door through which her waiter was momentarily expected to pass.

Billy Louise put away the broom, hung the dustpan on its nail behind the door, and stood looking at Ward curiously and with some resentment; this was not the first time he had gone into fits of abstraction as deep as his absorption in the books he read so hungrily.