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When he descended the carriage was still at the main entrance to the hotel, and Victor was pulling on to his chapped hands a huge pair of sheepskin gloves, the wool worn inside. 'We have but thirty-five minutes, the driver grumbled, 'and two miles to go, and all uphill. 'Is that a very awful task? Paul asked, for the mere sake of saying something.

'Yes, my little man, anxiously replied Slightly, who had chapped knuckles. 'Please, sir, Peter explained, 'a lady lies very ill. She was lying at their feet, but Slightly had the sense not to see her. 'Tut, tut, tut, he said, 'where does she lie? 'In yonder glade. 'I will put a glass thing in her mouth, said Slightly; and he made-believe to do it, while Peter waited.

She wanted to stay where she was; but tears were dangerous; the more she wept, the weaker she would become defensively. She rose briskly, turned on the light, and opened Les Misérables to the episode of the dark forest: where Jean Valjean reaches out and takes Cosette's frightful pail from her chapped little hands. There must be persons tender and loving in this world.

"How soft it is being winter time, too not chapped or rough or anything!" he said. "There that's long enough." said she, though with- out pulling it away "But I suppose you are thinking you would like to kiss it? You may if you want to." "I wasn't thinking of any such thing." said Gabriel, simply; "but I will" "That you won't!" She snatched back her hand.

She was diminutive and flat-chested; her skin was sallow from life-long confinement in basement sculleries and the atmosphere of the Bloomsbury boarding-house. She had little beady black eyes, and a print dress that didn't fit her at all well. One stocking was generally coming down in folds over her ankle. Her hands were chapped and nubbly pathetic as the toil-worn hands of a woman alone can be.

Then she is 'on the mend, she may 'thole thro'' if they take great care of her, 'which we will be forward to do. The fourth child dies when but a few weeks old, and the next at two years. She was her grandfather's companion, and thus he wrote of her death, this stern, self-educated Auld Licht with the chapped hands:

Just then the boys came rushing in from taking the horses to the stable. They made a dive toward the fire to warm their little chapped hands. "I told you Hugh warn't as tall as the General," said Frank, across the hearth to Willy. "Who said he was?" "You!" "I didn't." "You did."

Sometimes, when the lady of the house became unbearable, and poor Eily's head ached with all the tears she shed, he would take her in the cool of the evening away to a large green park, where the wind blew fresh, the dew sparkled on the grass, and the noisy traffic of the streets was still; there she would rest her weary body, while the old man soothed her gently and stroked her poor hands, all chapped and red with hard work.

The cold of winter set in in earnest now and handling "two by fours" and other timber out where the raw winds swept piercingly through one's overcoat and garments and flesh to the very bone was a trying experience. His hands were chapped and cracked, even though his grandmother had knit him a pair of enormous red mittens. He appreciated the warmth of the mittens, but he hated the color.

Mary rolled up her ragged sleeves, and held up her scrawny arms and thin hands, chapped almost to rawness. They were black with bruises. The manse children shivered. Faith flushed crimson with indignation. Una's blue eyes filled with tears. "She licked me Wednesday night with a stick," said Mary, indifferently. "It was 'cause I let the cow kick over a pail of milk.