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Born respectably, a cousin of L'Honorable's he had executed in his younger days a record of pranks upon the neighbors, which at a safe-distance of time became good humoredly traditional.

It was a shame to let her play, the sophomores grumbled. She was a giantess, not a girl. But as the score piled up in their favor, they grew more amiable and laughed good- humoredly at the ineffectual attempts of their guards to block the giantess's goals. Betty watched it all with keen interest and yet with a certain feeling of detachment.

He had intended to follow in a cab, but a sprint would be more effective over such a short distance. He crossed the Strand without heed to the traffic, turned to the right, and, to use his own phrase, "butted into a policeman" at the first corner. "I'm on the hunt for the Wellington Theater," he explained. "You needn't hunt much farther," said the constable good humoredly.

Emma looked so irresistibly kind and coaxing, that George once more good humoredly set to work; and presently the carpet was strewed with packages, apparently sufficient to fill three such trunks, but which Emma was determined should be snugly packed into one.

Very subtly he entered into conversation with her, and, guarding every word and look, took care to interest without alarming her. He said no more of friendship, but a great deal of regret for wasted years and wasted talents in the past and good resolutions for the future. And Cap listened good humoredly.

He promised; but as he did so, his heart sank within him; for dearly as he wished it, he believed he had promised that which would prove impossible. But in a little while, chance, as he thought it, favored him; for seeing that he refused the wine cup, Catiline, after rallying him some time, good humoredly said with a laugh, "Come, my Arvina, we must not be too hard on you.

"But heartily sorry to see me here, enlisted as a private in a company of raw recruits, looking not unlike Falstaff's ragged regiment?" "Nay; I did not say that, Traverse. Many a private in the ranks has risen to be a general officer," replied Herbert, encouragingly. Traverse laughed good humoredly, saying: "It does not look much like that in my case.

She remained to make tea for him, and in the mean time took him for a constitutional up and down the public walks hard by. Ascott listened at first very good humoredly; once or twice calling her "a dear little prig," in his patronizing way he was rather fond of patronizing his Aunt Hilary.

"Come off with youse," O'Brien flung back good humoredly. "I'm not here to hand you booquets, but to talk business. Here's the nub of it, me boy. You need me, and I need you." "I don't quite see how I need you, Mr. O'Brien." "That's because you're young yet and don't know the game. Let me tell you this." The boss leaned forward, his hard eyes focused on Farnum.

Fabian Rockharrt came home from North End. As he entered the parlor he heard his Wood Violet at her petition. He greeted them all, kissed his wife, kissed Cora, and shook hands with Sylvan. "Now let me settle this matter," he said, good humoredly, as he threw himself into a large arm chair. "First tell me, Cora, what is the obstacle to your spending the night with us?"