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Mr Vernon soon joined them, and was as much astonished, evidently, as the rest. At last even Jack's physical powers could hold out no longer, and, exhausted, he threw himself down on one of our horse-rugs near the door.

"There," said he, "we have enough for a good week; and look here, Peter, this is better than all." And he showed me two large horse-rugs. "Excellent," replied I; "now we shall be comfortable." "I paid honestly for all but these rugs," observed O'Brien; "but I was afraid to buy them, so I stole them. However, we'll leave them here for those they belong to it's only borrowing, after all."

He was away two hours, when he returned with a large supply of provisions, the best we had ever had. "There," said he, "we have enough for a good week; and look here, Peter, this is better than all." And he showed me two large horse-rugs. "Excellent," replied I; "now we shall be comfortable." "I paid honestly for all but these rugs," observed O'Brien; "I was afraid to buy them, so I stole them.

Having kindled a fire, we were busily employed till a late hour, by its light, in skinning the doctor's prizes. The paca, by-the-by, was roasted, and preferred to the ducks. With our ponchos and horse-rugs we formed luxurious couches, though the mosquitoes were somewhat troublesome. The doctor was entering into a learned disquisition as to their species.

Her body was thick and long, yet she looked like a dwarf, for she scarcely had any legs, only enormous knees and feet; and her garments were old ragged horse-rugs tied round her body with thongs of hide. She stared at me out of a pair of small black rat eyes, then, setting down her bundle, asked me what I wanted. I told her I was a tired traveller, and wanted food and shelter.

Saddlery, horse-rugs, nose-bags and gear were untidily scattered about. Except for the sleepy figure of the horse-picket, attempting vainly to keep his lanky person within the shadow of the feed-trough, there was no one in sight. The horses needed little attention. With heads low and legs crooked, they dozed in every attitude of siesta.

Many Indians of pure blood reside here: the tribe of the Cacique Lucanee constantly have their Toldos on the outskirts of the town. The local government partly supplies them with provisions, by giving them all the old worn-out horses, and they earn a little by making horse-rugs and other articles of riding-gear.

John was no sooner applied to, than he willingly undertook to deliver the message, and taking Miss Helen's side-saddle off, and throwing one of Mrs. Scott's horse-rugs over the pony's back, jumped upon it very alertly, and trotted off with a grin of delight on his face, proud at heart in being trusted to ride Miss Helen's pony.

One way to make the path was to lasso and kill a few sheep from the nearest flock and drag them up and down at a gallop through the dense thistles until a broad space was clear where the flames could be stamped and beaten out with horse-rugs.