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Holler'd out "Shine yer boots!" as loud as I could holler. Mat. You must try my boots next time you come. Bill. This wery night, Mattie. I'll make 'em shine like plate glass see then if I don't. But where'll I get a box and brushes? Mat. You shall have our brushes and my footstool. Bill. I see! Turn the stool upside down, put the brushes in, and carry it by one leg as drunken Moll does her kid.

"Now he jes done dat out'n pyo' sass'ness, caze he knowed de Peafowl felt hisse'f 'bove cookin'; an' wen de Peafowl hyeard dat, he 'gun ter git mad; an' he 'lowed dat ef'n de Owl said dat ter him ergin dey'd be er fuss on his han's. Well, de nex' day de Owl seed him comin, an' he 'gun fer ter scrape out'n his pots an' skillets, an' ez he scrape 'em he holler'd out, "'Whoo cooks fur you-oo-a?

Well, de Owl knowed dat, an' so wen he seed de Peafowl walkin' by so big, an' him in de kitchen er cookin', it kinter hu't his feelin's, so he tuck'n holler'd at de Peafowl, "'Whooo cooks fur you-oo-a? Whooo cooks fur you-oo-a? I cooks fur my folks, But who cooks fur y' all-ll-l?

Then, after thinking for a moment, she began, with great earnestness: "Once pun er time there was er bad little girl, an' she wouldn't min' nobody, nor do no way nobody wanted her to; and when her mother went ter give her fyssick, you jes ought ter seen her cuttin' up! she skweeled, an' she holler'd, an' she kicked, an' she jes done ev'y bad way she could; an' one time when she was er goin' on like that the spoon slipped down her throat, an' choked her plum ter death; an' not long after that, when she was er playin' one day "

"Hallo! massa, hold on. I did tink you mus' be gone dead, for I holler'd in at you 'nuff to bust de kittle-drum ob your ear if you hab one!" "Look there, Peter," said Foster, pointing to the recumbent figure, while he wiped the perspiration from his brow. "Ah! poor feller. He gone de way ob all flesh; but he hoed sooner dan dere was any occasion for tanks to de captain."

Denham and her maid got in; but when everything was ready, Blue Dave hesitated. "Mistiss," he said, rather sheepishly, "w'en I come 'long des now, de patter-rollers holler'd atter me." "No matter, David," the grim old lady replied; "your own master wouldn't order you off of my carriage." "Keep yo' eye on dat off boss!" exclaimed Ellick, as the carriage moved off.