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Besides, I behooved to be round the hirsel this morning and see how the herds were coming on; they're apt to be negligent wi' their footballs, and fairs, and trysts, when ane's away. And there I met wi' Tarn o' Todshaw, and a wheen o' the rest o' the billies on the water side; they're a' for a fox-hunt this morning, ye'll gang? I 'll gie ye Dumple, and take the brood mare mysell.

'Ye'll ken my sister? replied Ringan, gazing fixedly at the fire, 'Effie that was marrit on puir Jock Ord a fine laddie he was verra knowledgeable wi' sheep, wha perished in a snowstorm, mindin' his hirsel. 'She was left gey ill aff, an' noo wi' a bairn to provide for, hard pit till 't. Twa hundred punds wull provide for his upbringin', an' aiblins turn him into a meenister at the finish.

Protocol, and I'll be adding something till't, till she'll maybe get a Liddesdale joe that wants something to help to buy the hirsel. What d'ye say to that, hinny? Rebecca comes wi' you, hinny, and stays a month or twa while ye're stranger like. While Mrs.

"We are broken and beggared now, out and out," said old Martin the shepherd and he wrung his hands in the bitterness of agony, "the thieves, the harrying thieves I not a cloot left of the haill hirsel!" "And to see poor Grizzle and Crumbie," said his wife, "turning back their necks to the byre, and routing while the stony-hearted villains were brogging them on wi' their lances!"

Besides, I behooved to be round the hirsel this morning and see how the herds were coming on; they're apt to be negligent wi' their footballs, and fairs, and trysts, when ane's away. And there I met wi' Tarn o' Todshaw, and a wheen o' the rest o' the billies on the water side; they're a' for a fox-hunt this morning, ye'll gang? I 'll gie ye Dumple, and take the brood mare mysell.

Besides, I behooved to be round the hirsel this morning, and see how the herds were coming on they're apt to be negligent wi' their footballs, and fairs, and trysts, when ane's away. And there I met wi' Tam o' Todshaw, and a wheen o' the rest o' the billies on the water side; they're a' for a fox-hunt this morning, ye'll gang? I'll gie ye Dumple, and take the brood mare mysell."

The black man answered never a word; he got upon his feet, an' begude to hirsel to the wa' on the far side; but he aye lookit at the minister; an' the minister stood an' lookit back; till a' in a meenute the black man was ower the wa' an' rinnin' for the bield o' the trees. Mr.

Reminiscences. Painted for Lord Montagu in 1822. See Life, vol. vii. p. 13. Raeburn apparently executed two "half lengths" of Scott almost identical at this time, giving Lord Montagu his choice. The picture chosen remained at Ditton, near Windsor, until 1845, when at Lord Montagu's death it became the property of his son-in-law, the Earl of Home, and it is now at the Hirsel, Coldstream.

Wherefore, as this letter will not avail you with him to whom it is directed, you may believe that heaven hath sent it to me, who have a special regard for the writer I have, besides, as much mercy and honesty within me as man can weel make his bread with, and am willing to aid any distressed creature, that is my friend's friend, with my counsel, and otherwise, so that I am not put to much charges, being in a strange country, like a poor lamb that has wandered from its ain native hirsel, and leaves a tait of its woo' in every d d Southron bramble that comes across it."

Besides, I behooved to be round the hirsel this morning and see how the herds were coming on; they're apt to be negligent wi' their footballs, and fairs, and trysts, when ane's away. And there I met wi' Tarn o' Todshaw, and a wheen o' the rest o' the billies on the water side; they're a' for a fox-hunt this morning, ye'll gang? I'll gie ye Dumple, and take the brood mare mysell.