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The said governor, on hearing the same, said that he had heard it and would respond thereto witnesses to all the abovesaid being the master-of-camp Martin de Goiti, Captain Diego de Artieda, Captain Luis de la Haya, and Captain Juan de Salzedo, all of whom signed the same jointly with me. Martin de Goiti, Diego de Artieda. Luis de la Haya, Juan de Salzedo.

Also, with the collar in position, he was but a moment in adjusting the hames, making fast the bottom strap, and hooking the tugs securely. With everything in readiness he then caught up the reins and the whip, and stepped away to begin the real work of breaking. "Haya!" he cried, and touched up the off-horse. She started forward, as always with this command from her master.

Here, as if in glee over their escape from city confines, they redoubled in fury and tore down to earth and enveloped Felipe Montoya, a young and good-looking Mexican, and his team of scrawny horses plodding in a lumber rigging, all in a stinging swirl. "Haya!" cried Felipe, as the first of the sand-laden winds struck him, "Chivos chivos!"

BRUNO. ¡Qué! ¿No la lee usted? DON PEDRO. ¿Para qué? Si ya , poco más o menos, lo que dirá ... que las ... lamentaciones ... como si uno pudiera remediar el que Matilde no le haya querido al cabo. BRUNO. Y vea usted, cualquiera hubiera dicho al principio que....

The actual signification of the word Haya is "life." In ancient Arabia it was applied to a group of kinsmen. The Rev. Mr. Davis is of the opinion that Noe or Noah was the same as Deon and that both were Hu or Hea the mighty, whose chariot was drawn by solar rays. This God was in fact the same as Zeus, Bacchus, and all the rest of the sun and water Deities.

Those of his officials who had acceptedthe doctrinewere regarded by Akhenaten as deserving men, and on this ground alone, Ai, called Haya in the Amarna letters, received golden honours to the full. This Haya, who was entitledbeloved royal scribe,” was probably a secretary of state, and was once sent as a special ambassador to Babylonia.

DON EDUARDO. En cuanto a , le protesto a usted, Matilde, que me alegro mucho de que Bruno haya en cierto modo preparado a su papá de usted para lo que voy a decirle; porque ahora tendré menos cortedad, y podré desde luego entrar en materia. DOÑA MATILDE. Bueno.... Si a usted le parece así, mejor.... BRUNO. Ya siento al señor en la escalera.

Bien haya que la mujer sea en su casa amor y ensueño, gloria y felicidad; pero también más allá de los muros de su hogar debe cumplir su misión divina y hacer llegar a todos el secreto tesoro de bondad y dulzura de que la ha provisto la buena providencia.

Then every blessed fool of a property owner took a whack at his bare shoulders as he passed, shrieking hysterically, "Haya! haya! pesi! pesi!" and the like to men already doing their best. It was a grand sight! In the meantime the fire itself was roaring away. The old graybeard suddenly ceased crying "maji," and darted forward to where I stood on the bale of cotton.

The island of Cubu, May 29, 1565. Sacred Catholic Majesty, your sacred Catholic majesty's faithful servants, who kiss your majesty's royal feet with all humility: Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, Mateo del Saz, Fray Diego de Herrera, Fray Martin de Rada, Martin de Goiti, Fray Pedro de Gamboa, Guido de Lavezari, Andres Cabchela, Andres de Mirandaola, Andres de Ybarra, Juan Maldonado de Berrocal, Luis de la Haya, Juan de la Isla, Gabriel de Rribera.