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'How fast you must have gone! "'Well, yes, miss, I did go fast, said Dick, pleased with Vea's speech apparently. 'I went by the beach, the tide being out, and it is nigher that way by a good mile. I would go faster than most folks for the young master. "'Why, has Patrick been kind to you too, Dick! said Vea, in much surprise. "'That he has, miss, said Dick gratefully.

'Wasn't that what Martha was urging you to do? If you went away, who would take care of Willie? Do you know, I have a brother I am very anxious about too, Polly? said Vea. 'He is lying in Dick's cottage, with his leg broken, and the doctor is setting it while we are waiting out here. "'Oh, I am very sorry indeed, miss, said Polly, forgetting her own troubles in turn.

Wherefore also the peasants say vea for via, deriving their word for the road over which they haul from the name of the vehicle in which they do the hauling, vectura, and by the same derivation vella for villa, the farm house to and from which they haul. In like manner the trade of a carrier is called vellatura from the practice of driving a vectura, or cart."

"'Oh yes, I think she has given up that idea; indeed, I heard her say to Rachel she would try to bear it a little longer. "'There is Dick returned already, said Vea; and she scrambled out of the boat, and ran down to the beach to meet Dick, who was coming from the doctor's house with a basket containing medicines for the sick boy. "'Oh, you are a good boy, Dick, said Vea.

When these were ready, he turned to look at his patient, and bidding every one leave the hut but the two fishermen and Natilie, he shut the door against them himself, and secured it firmly. "'Oh, please, doctor, let me stay, Vea had said pitifully. 'I'm sure Patrick would like me to stay.

"Natilie was quite willing to accompany us, and very soon we were down on the beach; but whichever way we looked we could not see any trace of the missing Patrick. All of a sudden Alfred gave a shout, and pointed in the direction of some great high rocks upon which stood a light-house. "'See, Vea, there is Wild Dick running upon the rocks! cried Alfred excitedly.

"'No, miss; mother died when Willie was a year old, said Polly. "'And do you remember her quite well? asked Vea. "'Oh yes, quite well, miss. It was a terrible night that, just before she died. Father was away to the town for some tackle, and I was left all alone with her and Willie. She hadn't been very well for some weeks, but nobody thought she was going to die.

'I like Vea so much, and Alfred is such a funny boy. Isn't it a pity that Patrick is so fond of mischief, when he seems to have such a kind heart? "'I've always liked that boy Patrick, said my uncle; 'and, what is more, he continued, as if to himself, 'I never liked Alfred. "'That is very strange, uncle, I replied; 'he is such a polite boy, and so quiet in the drawing-room.

"Some days after, uncle kindly took me to spend the day with Vea. I was delighted to find that Patrick had been removed to Mrs. Berkley's, and had stood the journey very well. He had been carried on a stretcher by some of the fishermen; and they had borne him along so gently that Patrick declared he had never felt the least motion, and thought he had been lying on his bed all the time.

While she pointed out the various objects of interest to Vea and myself, seeing that poor Vea was depressed in spirits her kind heart suffering extremely when her brothers fell into error Aunt Berkley whispered, 'You are not vexed with me, dear child, for punishing Patrick? If he had owned the fault, I would have forgiven him; but he was so stubborn, and would not even speak when spoken to.