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You didn't ought to have my bit of evidence at this stage. It's too soon. You want to work up the case a bit. There's such a thing, guv'nor, in this world as being a bit previous. This here's too previous you want to be surer of your facts. Because you know, guv'nor nobody'll believe my word agen Squire Greyle's. Guv'nor this here inquest'll be naught but a blooming farce! Mark me!

Posh asserts that he has seen his "guv'nor" lying in the lee scuppers while the Scandal was heeling over in a stiff breeze, and permitting the wash of the sea to run over him till he was drenched to the skin. Indeed, although his long lean body looked frail, he was reckless in the way in which he treated it. Posh tells one story which I give in his words.

Arthur went hastily to meet him, and gave him an expressive look of warning, even while he welcomed him in cordial accents. "Glad to see you safe home," said Wardlaw senior. "Thank ye, guv'nor," said Wylie. "Had a squeak for it, this time." "Where is your ship?" Wylie shook his head sorrowfully. "Bottom of the Pacific." "Good heavens! What! is she lost?" "That she is, sir.

Tell you wot, it's that I-talian gunboat the guv'nor spoke about." "But she was not in port when we left." "No. We passed her comin' in." "Ah, she recognized us?" "Not much. We were under sail, an carried no masthead light. When I twigged hers I tied a couple of sou'westers over our side lights.

"What do you advise us to do, then, guv'nor?" said one of the soldiers. "Throw away all thought of the present," returned Mr. Lavender, with intense earnestness; "forget the past entirely, wrap yourselves wholly in the future. Do nothing which will give you immediate satisfaction.

There's a difference between handing in your resignation I was compelled to do that only recently, owing to a few words I had with the guv'nor, though subsequently prevailed upon to withdraw it I say there's a difference between handing in your resignation and being given the sack, and that's what would happen without a character, what's more, and lucky if it didn't mean a prison cell.

'Na then, she repeated, 'tike yer 'and away. If yer touch me there you'll 'ave ter marry me. 'Thet's just wot I wants ter do, Liza! 'Shut it! she answered cruelly, and drew his arm away from her waist. The horses scampered on, and the man behind blew his horn with vigour. 'Don't bust yerself, guv'nor! said one of the passengers to him when he made a particularly discordant sound.

May be eight minutes or so certainly not ten after Bassett Oliver walked in there, Squire Greyle walked out. In a hurry, guv'nor. He come out quick. He looked a bit queer. Dazed, like. You know how quick a man can think, guv'nor, under certain circumstances? I thought quicker'n lightning.

You're bound to get Margaret in time. As for us " Bill was deeply stirred. "I say, I am sorry," he told them. He sat up very straight. "Look here, don't get down on your luck. Come out and have lunch with me and tell me just how you're fixed. If a small loan will do you any good I'm certain my guv'nor will stand it. He likes you awfully, George. Come on.

"Why did you leave your last place?" "Gaffer said he's no more orders couldn't keep us on. The shop's shut up. Know of a job, guv'nor?" he asked, with a momentary eagerness. "I've two characters in my pocket good 'uns." "You've tried to get a place elsewhere?" Brooks asked. "Tried? D'ye suppose I'm standing here for fun? I've tramped the blessed town.