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Il sortit, et alors se firent entendre des ménestrels (musiciens) qui étoient dans la cour, près du buffet. Ils touchèrent des instrumens et chantèrent des chansons de gestes, dans lesquelles ils célébroient les grandes actions des guerriers Turcs. A mesure que ceux de la galerie entendoient quelque chose qui leur plaisoit, ils poussoient

Ce general toujours surpris, Qu'a regret le jeune Louis Vit sans culottes en Italie, Courir pour derober sa vie Aux Germains, guerriers impolis. this General wished to investigate your Comte Dufour, foreign Count, who the instant he arrives sets about inviting people to supper that are perfect strangers.

An enemy of Frontenac writes, "Ce n'est pas sa presence qui fit prendre la fuite aux Anglois, mais le grand nombre de Francois auxquels ils virent bien que celuy de leurs guerriers n'etoit pas capable de faire tete." Remarques sur l'Oraison Funebre de feu M. de Frontenac. The following is a literal copy of a specimen of this paper money, which varied in value from two shillings to ten pounds:

Lauriers Guerriers Musette Lisette Cesars Etendars Houlette -Folette One would be amazed to see so learned a Man as Menage talking seriously on this Kind of Trifle in the following Passage.

Amongst the many young men in England who are seeking along with me to continue and to perfect the English Renaissance jeunes guerriers du drapeau romantique, as Gautier would have called us there is none whose love of art is more flawless and fervent, whose artistic sense of beauty is more subtle and more delicate none, indeed, who is dearer to myself than the young poet whose verses I have brought with me to America; verses full of sweet sadness, and yet full of joy; for the most joyous poet is not he who sows the desolate highways of this world with the barren seed of laughter, but he who makes his sorrow most musical, this indeed being the meaning of joy in art that incommunicable element of artistic delight which, in poetry, for instance, comes from what Keats called "sensuous life of verse," the element of song in the singing, made so pleasurable to us by that wonder of motion which often has its origin in mere musical impulse, and in painting is to be sought for, from the subject never, but from the pictorial charm only the scheme and symphony of the colour, the satisfying beauty of the design: so that the ultimate expression of our artistic movement in painting has been, not in the spiritual vision of the Pre-Raphaelites, for all their marvel of Greek legend and their mystery of Italian song, but in the work of such men as Whistler and Albert Moore, who have raised design and colour to the ideal level of poetry and music.

Do. Collot calls them "un composé de traiteurs, d'aventuriers, de coureurs de bois, rameurs, et de guerriers; ignorans, superstitieux et entêtés, qu'aucunes fatigues, aucunes privations, aucunes dangers ne peuvent arreter dans leurs enterprises, qu'ils mettent toujours fin; ils n'ont conservé des vertus françaises que le courage."

Lauriers Guerriers Musette Lisette Caesars Etendars Houlette Folette One would be amazed to see so learned a man as Menage talking seriously on this kind of trifle in the following passage: "Monsieur de la Chambre has told me that he never knew what he was going to write when he took his pen into his hand; but that one sentence always produced another.