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On the use of ut sic dixerim for ut sic dicam, which is peculiar to the silver age, see Z. 528. Asia, sc. Minor. Africa, sc. the Roman Province of that name, comprising the territory of Carthage. Peteret. The question implies a negative answer, cf. The subj. implies a protasis understood: if he could, or the like. Sit. Praesens, ut de re vera. Guen.

Totidem, sc. quot Romani, cf. idem, 4, note. Tacitus often omits one member of a comparison, as he does also one of two comparative particles. Species. Parts. Sometimes the logical divisions of a genus; so used by Cic. and Quin. Intellectum. A word of the silver age, cf. note on voluntariam, 24. Intellectum habent==are understood and named. "Quam distortum dicendi genus!" Guen.

Ut inter Germanos, i.e. pro ingenio Germanorum, Guen. So we say elliptically: for Germans. Praeponere, etc. A series of infinitives without connectives, denoting a hasty enumeration of particulars; elsewhere, sometimes, a rapid succession of events. Cf. notes, A. 36, and H. 1, 36. The particulars here enumerated, all refer to military proceedings. Disponere noctem.

They are always answered, however. We have agreed that the cause of Le Guen shall come on next Tuesday. It will last the whole week. The week following I shall hope to leave this place; but I may be deceived, for the court may take a week to consider of the business, and I cannot leave the ground till the thing be determined. Adieu, chere amie, Albany, February 13, 1800.

By opposing their breasts, not to the enemy but to their retreating husbands, praying for death in preference to captivity. Monstrata captivitate. Cominus limits captivitate, pointing to captivity as just before them. Impatientius. The adj. Cf. Freund. Feminarum nomine, i.e. propter feminas suas. Guen. So Cic.: tuo nomine et reipublicae==on your account and for the sake of the republic.

Indeed, I have heard him often at the bar myself, and always with the same effect. I do not recollect, in conversation, any particular allusion of my father's to Burr's argument in the case of Le Guen vs. Gouverneur and Kemble; but I have frequently heard him say, that of all lawyers at the bar, Burr was the most difficult to follow in the way of taking notes.

Guen. includes both ideas: quocunque, non tantum venereo, corporis abusu contempti. Insuper==superne. So 16: multo insuper fimo onerant. Diversitas is a post-Augustan word, cf. Freund, sub v. Illuc respicit. Has respect to this principle. Scelera==crimes; flagitia==vices, low and base actions. Scelus poena, flagitium contemptu dignum. Guen. Levioribus delictis.

Cf. also Caes. Defendere, to defend him, when attacked; tueri, to protect him at all times. Praecipuum sacramentum. Their most sacred duty, Guen. and K.; or the chief part of their oath, Gr. Clarescunt tuentur. So Ritter after the best MSS. Al. clarescant tueantur, or tueare. Non nisi. In Cic. usually separated by a word or a clause. In T. generally brought together. Exigunt. They expect.

In a cause in which he was employed as associate counsel with General Hamilton, an incident occurred, in relation to Chief Justice Yates, not unworthy recording. It speaks a language that cannot he misunderstood, and is demonstrative of the influence which he had over the feelings as well as the minds of his hearers. It was the celebrated case of Le Guen vs.

Her heart is as cold as marble, And you mistake the effusions of politeness, mingled with respect, for symptoms of tender emotions. The argument of the cause of Le Guen is concluded. I fear that I must wait for the final decision of the court before I can leave Albany. To-morrow I go with John to Schenectady. I am more impatient to return than I can express. Albany, March 5, 1800.