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The words flashed into light from the folded pages of Julian's memory, and with them the dim image of a dead face, and the dying echo of a father's voice. "Pol pudere quam pigere proestat totidem literis." Plautus Trinum, Two, 2.

M'Culloch has asserted, totidem verbis, that the labour of Madame Pasta was as well entitled to be called productive labour as that of a cotton spinner.

A man many do well or ill everywhere; but if what Bias says be true, that the greatest part is the worse part, or what the Preacher says: there is not one good of a thousand: "Rari quippe boni: numero vix sunt totidem quot Thebarum portae, vel divitis ostia Nili," the contagion is very dangerous in the crowd.

In short, all the impossibilities which the acutest of the reformed Divines have detected in the hypothesis of transubstantiation would apply, totidem verbis et syllabis, to that of assimilation, if the objects and the agents were really heterogeneous.

See a like elliptical use of idem Sec. 23: eadem temperantia; Sec. 10: iisdem nemoribus. Also of totidem Sec. 26. Minime assueverunt. "Least of all, are they capable of sustaining thirst and heat; cold and hunger, they are accustomed, by their soil and climate, to endure." Ky.

This object, under the varying names of an extensive demand, a brisk circulation, a great expenditure of money, and sometimes totidem verbis a large consumption, was conceived to be the great condition of prosperity. It is not necessary, in the present state of the science, to contest this doctrine in the most flagrantly absurd of its forms or of its applications.

Totidem, sc. quot Romani, cf. idem, 4, note. Tacitus often omits one member of a comparison, as he does also one of two comparative particles. Species. Parts. Sometimes the logical divisions of a genus; so used by Cic. and Quin. Intellectum. A word of the silver age, cf. note on voluntariam, 24. Intellectum habent==are understood and named. "Quam distortum dicendi genus!" Guen.

Some fix it at 178 B.C.; others as late as 129 B.C. The earlier date is the more probable. We then have to ask when Hostius himself lived. Teuffel inclines to place him before Accius; but most commentators assign him a later date. A few lines are preserved in Macrobius, which seem to point to an early period, e.g. "non si mihi linguae Centum atque ora sient totidem vocesque liquatae," and again,

"Totidem esse hostes quot servos" said Seneca; but he was thinking of the Scythian and Germanic tribes. A North-American Indian, or a Carib, though less pagan than a native African, could never become so subdued.

Keep in mind that all Uncle Mo's knowledge of Aunt M'riar's antecedents was summed up in the fact of her widowhood, which he took for granted although he had never received it totidem verbis when she first came to supplant Mrs. Twiggins and which had been confirmed as Time went on, and no husband appeared to claim her.