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You might see his bay mare and gig-lamps a score of miles away from his Rectory House, whenever there was any dinner-party at Fuddleston, or at Roxby, or at Wapshot Hall, or at the great lords of the county, with all of whom he was intimate. He had a fine voice; sang "A southerly wind and a cloudy sky"; and gave the "whoop" in chorus with general applause.

Verdant Green smiled to himself. It was the sheerest bit of good luck that he had managed to get through. Still, he had learned more at Oxford than was taught in books he had learned to be a manly fellow in spite of his gig-lamps. Jane Eyre Charlotte Brontë was born at Thornton, Yorkshire, England, on the 21st of April, 1816, of Irish and Cornish stock.

When he saw Miss Harris at supper-time and undertook to explain his black eyes she assured him coldly that he and his ebony gig-lamps mattered nothing in her young life, as evidence of which she flashed a magnificent three-quarter carat diamond solitaire on her third finger. She and Mr. Gross expected to be married inside of two or three years if all went well, she told him.

"And dear heart knows how I'm to keep up when she's gone," said Nancy, with her apron to her eyes. Kate came down ready. Everybody followed her into the road, and all stood round the gig with flashes from the gig-lamps on their faces, while Pete swung her up into the seat, lifting her bodily in his great arms.

A tall ould gentleman he was, all in white, with a shovel on the shoulder of him, and a big torch in his fist though what he wanted with that it's meself can't tell, for his eyes were like gig-lamps, let alone the moon and the comet, which wasn't there at all and 'Barney, says he to me 'cause why he knew me 'Barney, says he, 'what is it you're doing with the colleen there, Barney? Divil a word did I say.

First-floor front," replied our friend, preparing to close the door. "Pardon me," said Thorndyke, "but what is Mr. Schönberg like? I mean " "Like?" interrupted the resident. "He's like a blooming Sheeny, with a carroty beard and gold gig-lamps!" and, having presented this impressionist sketch, he brought the interview to a definite close by slamming the door and turning the key.

One house-match is just like another, and their "ploy" of that week happened to be rabbit-shooting with saloon-pistols. "I can't see a ball when it's coming, sir," said Beetle. "I've had my gig-lamps smashed at the Nets till I got excused. I wasn't any good even as a fag, then, sir." "Tuck is probably your form. Tuck and brewing. Why can't you three take any interest in the honor of your house?"

We shall have to confine our operations to London while Max and Mr. Behrend here will be entrusted with the task of getting the news out to our submarines." No. 13 broke in excitedly. "Vork in London, vork in London!" he cried. "It is too dangerous, my vriend. Vot do I know of London? But, London... it is senseless!" Mortimer turned his gig-lamps on the interrupter.

He was now leaning against the table in answer to the call of "Mr. Gig-lamps for a song." Having decided upon one of those vocal efforts which in the bosom of his family met with great applause, he began to sing in low and plaintive tones, "'I dre-eamt that I dwelt in Mar-ar-ble Halls, with'" and then, alarmed by hearing the sound of his own voice, he stopped. "Try back, Verdant," shouted Mr.

Yummy-yum! Yummy-yum! Yummy-yum-yum!" "Look out. You'll smash my gig-lamps," puffed Beetle, emerging. "Wasn't it glorious? Didn't I 'Eric' 'em splendidly? Did you spot my cribs from King? Oh, blow!" His countenance clouded. "There's one adjective I didn't use obscene. Don't know how I forgot that. It's one of King's pet ones, too." "Never mind.