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'Them eloocidations is meant to stiffen a gent's nerve an' do him good. Shore; no one needs encouragement nor has to train for a conflict with good luck; but it's when he's out ag'inst the iron an' the bad luck's swoopin' an' stoopin' at him, beak an' claw like forty hawks, that your remarks is doo to come to his aid an' uplift his sperits some.

I can't give the old gent's words, nor I can't imitate him; but he turned around to the crowd, and says, about like this: "This is a surprise to me which I wasn't looking for; and I'll acknowledge, candid and frank, I ain't very well fixed to meet it and answer it; for my brother and me has had misfortunes; he's broke his arm, and our baggage got put off at a town above here last night in the night by a mistake.

"About a half-dozen quarts will do for a starter!" He nodded to a pudgy old woman who was watching interestedly from the background. "You heard the gent's order, mother! Beer, and in a hurry! He looks dry and hot." Again a gale of laughter broke forth; but Ben took no notice. He made one step forward, until he was within arm's reach of the humorist. "Step out of my way, please," he said evenly.

"It's not me that likes to interfere with a gent's pleasure party, but business is business," said he, as he climbed aboard. My client's hospitality was oriental. "Make yourself at home, old man," he said, a box of his largest and blackest cigars in his hand. And these he advanced towards McCann before the knot was tied in the painter. Then a wave of self-reproach swept over me.

Don't make no mistake, or the next census'll be shy, shore. "'What be you-alls aimin' to cel'brate anyhow? says Jack Moore, gettin' the squar'-built gent's gun while Boggs corrals Gentry's. Who's Wolfville entertainin' yere, I'd like for to know?

What's the use of a guide, if he's blind and don't know where he's taking you to? I remember I were once spending a night at a gent's house, and the next morning I had to walk to a town twenty miles off. It were quite a country-place where the gentleman lived, and when he were saying good- bye to me I axed him for directions, for I'd never been in that part of the country before.

Having made a grimace, you sit down upon one of the chairs. There are nine in the room besides the sofa perhaps an ottoman and you can take your choice between the 'gent's' armchair, the lady's low-chair, and the six high ones. If they are not in their night-shirts you can examine the covering usually satin or perhaps cretonne.

The bar's good for anything from forty to a hundred a day now, with the Rats' Cooler going good, and that caff will stay right here." And stay it did. There it stands, mind you, to this day. You've only to step round the corner of Smith's Hotel on the side street and read the sign: LADIES' AND GENT'S CAFE, just as large and as imposing as ever. Mr.

I know, because I wear them myself, and I am a singularly romantic figure, whether in my rimless, my Oxford gold-bordered, or the plain gent's spectacles which I wear in the privacy of my study. Besides, everybody wears glasses nowadays. That is the point I wish to make. For commercial reasons, if for no others, authors ought to think seriously of this matter of goggling their heroes.

But when 'Chuck' says it, he says it to Tommy Watson, and Tommy heaves a sigh big enough to burst the store to pieces if the door hadn't been open so's the sigh floats out into the street and blows an old gent's hat off, and " "I don't believe it." "I know you don't, Lucien: that's another of your troubles.