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"A friend?" said Sam; "you can't mean any o' your own family, John, for you haven't got time to go back that length now, and " "Well, never mind, I've got time to go where I'm agoin'. You run on to the shed, Bob, and tell Garvie that I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

"Very hard," observed a middle-aged man with a sour countenance, who did not present the appearance of one who had sustained any injury at all, "very hard this. I shall miss meeting with a friend, and perhaps lose doin' a good stroke of business to-night." "Be thankful you haven't lost your life," said Will Garvie, who supported the head of his injured mate.

Stay, I'll speak to Willum Garvie about it now," said Mrs Marrot, rising; "he's in the garding be'ind." "Pray don't call him in," said Netta, rising quickly; "we will go down to him. I should like much to see your garden." "You'll find my Loo there, too," said Mrs Marrot with a motherly smile, as she opened the door to let her visitors out. "You'll excuse me not goin' hout.

A lusty cheer was given by those on the platform who witnessed this bold rescue, and more than one sympathetic hand grasped the massive fist of Joe Turner as he assisted Mrs Durby to a carriage. "Why," exclaimed Will Garvie, hurrying forward at that moment, "it's Mrs Durby, the woman we promised to take care of! You'll look after her, Joe?"

There were two other inmates of John Marrot's house not members of the family. One was his fireman, William Garvie, who lodged with him, the other a small servant or maid-of-all-work who led a rugged existence, but appeared to enjoy it, although it kept her thin. Her name was Ann Stocks, familiarly known as Nanny.

Gertie blushed, but was spared the necessity of a reply in consequence of a deafening whistle which called Will Garvie to his points. Next moment, a passenger-train intervened, and cut her off from further communication. According to promise, Will was at the schoolroom in good time that evening, with some thirty or forty of his comrades.

At the same instant Will Garvie bounded across and shut off the steam in an instant. He turned then to the brake-wheel, but, before he could apply it, Thomson had risen and grappled with him. Still, as the two strong men swayed to and fro in a deadly conflict, Will's hand, that chanced at the moment to be nearest the brake-wheel, was seen ever and anon to give it a slight turn.

"Are you badly hurt? I am just going to fetch help to " "Mr Gurwood," said the man, interrupting, "you don't seem to know me! I'm Garvie, the fireman. Where am I? Surely there is something wrong with my left arm. Oh! I remember now. Is Jack safe? And the Missis and Gertie? Are they " "Don't exert yourself," interrupted Edwin, as Will attempted to rise. "You must keep quiet until I fetch a doctor.

Being, as we have had occasion to remark before, a communicative and confiding little woman, Netta Tipps told the secret of the ring in strict confidence to her old nurse. Mrs Durby, in a weak moment as on a former occasion, related the history of it to Gertie, who of course told Loo. She naturally mentioned it to her lover, Will Garvie, and he conveyed the information to John Marrot.

To which Bob would reply, "You're a queer fish, Bill; howsever, every man's got a right to his own opinions." Will Garvie was a pointsman now. On recovering from his prolonged illness, during which he had been supported out of the Provident Fund of the railway to which he and all the other men on the line contributed he was put to light work at first at the station of Clatterby.