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Aujourd'hui, et malgre toutes les paroles contraires, il me parait probable que ces causes de guerre prevaudront sur la moderation naturelle, sur le gout du repos voluptueux, sur l'avis des conseillers officiels, et sur le sentiment evident du public. Que fera l'Allemagne? Le tiendra-t-elle unie? La est la question. L'Angleterre y peut certainement beaucoup.

A great gathering like a fair takes place, which is called Fera, and they bring forth a scroll of the Law written on parchment by Ezekiel the Prophet, and read from it on the Day of Atonement.

Rodent is derived from the latter term. Cat is also in doubt, but is first recognised in catalus, a diminutive of canis, a dog. It was applied to the young of almost any animal, as we use the words pup, kitten, cub, and so forth. Bear is the result of tongue-twisting from the Latin fera, a wild beast.

Le temps, qui calme les passions humaines et permet toujours a la verite de reprendre ses droits, fera justice d'accusations concues avec legerete et soutenues avec inconvenance. But we have seen that, although Port Phillip was included in the French charts, and inside soundings were actually shown, neither the port nor the entrance was seen by the expedition. How was that information obtained?

The land of Sorani, which lay over against Scotland, naturally suggested the Suderoe, or southern islands of the Norwegians, now called the Western Islands or Hebrides. Ledovo and Ilofe, are the Lewis and Islay. Sanestol, the cluster of islands named Schants-oer. Bondendon, Pondon, or Pondon-towny in Sky. Frisland, is Faira or Fera, also called Faras-land.

The ink was scarce dry on the treaty to which he had affixed his signature before he was closeted with the agents of the Archduke Albert, and receiving affectionate messages and splendid presents from that military ecclesiastic. In November, 1596, La Balvena, formerly a gentleman of the Count de la Fera, came to Rouen.

Our author concludes thus: (p. 37.) «Le tems ne fera qu'augmenter l'épaisseur de la couche de terre végétable qui couvre les montagnes, et qui les garantit ainsi de plus en plus de cette destruction

Margaret, as I have said, imitated Sannazzaro in her Histoire des satyres et nymphes de Diane. The Arcadia was translated in 1544. Du Bellay was familiar with the original and honoured its author with imitation, translation, and even a respectful mention of it in his famous Défense. Elsewhere he asks: Qui fera taire la musette Du pasteur néapolitain?

These poor people have never yet been suspected of such atrocities, and surely they were not perpetrated in the world before the Flood." 1 This homely adage is far more expressive than the Latin one: "Parcit Cognates maculis, similis fera." Juv.

Some of these grants were corrupt and iniquitous. Thus, a son of Lauson, president of the Company, received, in the name of a third person, a tract of land on the south side of the St. Lawrence of sixty leagues front. Thus, in a grant to Simon Le Maitre, Jan. 15, 1636, "que les hommes que le dit . . . fera passer en la N. F. tourneront a la decharge de la dite Compagnie," etc., etc.