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His presence was very opportune," just then Belle turned her eyes toward the door and saw Mr. Clifford standing on the threshold. "Ah," said he smiling and advancing "this time the old adage has failed, which says that listeners never hear any good of themselves; for without intending to act the part of an eavesdropper, I heard myself pleasantly complimented."

"May thy trial in these last be over," answered Alwyn; "but the humble must console their state by thinking that the great have their trials too; and, as our homely adage hath it, 'That is not always good in the maw which is sweet in the mouth. Thou seest much of my gentle foster-brother, Mistress Sibyll?"

Even the property owner and peace-loving citizen, if moved by no higher motive, will agree to the adage that "Satan finds some mischief still for idle hands to do," and will welcome the endeavor to safeguard property rights and promote the peace of the community by drawing off the adventurous and mischief-making energies of the boys into the less expensive channels of play.

The headman Laohwan was most anxious to come with me. Recognising that he possessed characteristics which his posterity would rejoice to have transmitted to them, he had lately taken to himself a wife and now, a fortnight later, he sought rest. He would come with me to Burma, the further away the better; he wished to prove the truth of the adage about distance and enchantment.

And the idea of worthlessness is often referred to as when it is said that "There is small choice in rotten apples," with which may be compared another which warns us of the contagious effects of bad influence: "The rotten apple injures its neighbour." The utter dissimilarity which often exists between two persons, or things, is jocularly enjoined in the familiar adage:

As in heaven, so on earth the Physical Ego, though only a shadow, has in its sphere the same fundamental characteristic craving as the Transcendental Personality has for that which is akin to it, and it is this wonderful love that, as the old adage says, makes the world go round.

I don't know yet to what lady I shall be united, but I believe in the truth of the adage, 'that all things come to those who can not wait. They are in such a hurry that they take what they can get. "If you do not think that this is a good letter, please send it back and I will write another.

Here are the usual pocket-book contents, and the laws, &c. of British sports and pastimes as shooting, angling, hunting, coursing, racing, cricket, and skating: from the latter we subjoin a hint for the benefit of the Serpentine Mercuries; which proves the adage ex liguo non fit Mercurius:

'My boy, my darling boy! exclaimed his mother again, as though all their joint troubles were now over. The doctor remembered the adage of the rolling stone, and felt that the return of a son at the age of thirty, without any means of maintaining himself, was hardly an unalloyed blessing. He was not the man to turn a son out of doors.

No man ever knew so well the truth of the adage "nothing succeeds like success;" and his Commentaries from first to last are instinct with a triumphant consciousness of his knowledge and of his having invariably acted upon it. A feature which strikes every reader of Caesar is the admiration and respect he has for his soldiers.