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"Then upon my credit, your lordship will get neither the name nor description of my Facia, until you earn it by eating a dinner, and drinking a glass of claret with the Rev. Father Finnerty. Are those hard terms, Counsellor? Ha! ha! ha! I'm not the man to put off a thing, I assure you." "Mr.

Pretty soon the man becomes so heavy around the waist that he notices his discomfort, and it produces exhaustion; now he becomes more and more averse to exercise, and the facia, or fat, having the better of the battle, begins to penetrate even the fiber of the muscles. The heart is a muscle, like all the others in the body, and fat may accumulate there.

We stave 'em off, say: that case, they'll settle down to starve us, right and proper." "Siege," assented Heywood. "Siege, like you read about." The captain lay flat again. "Wish a man could smoke up here." Heywood laughed, and turned his head: "How much do you know about sieges, old chap?" "Nothing," Rudolph confessed. "Nor I, worse luck. Outside of school testudine facia, that sort of thing.

But, in itself, scepticism does not give us any certain information in regard to the bounds of our knowledge. All unsuccessful dogmatical attempts of reason are facia, which it is always useful to submit to the censure of the sceptic.

The projecting part, in this as in almost all cornices, is a plain upright face of some height, called "the corona," and recalling probably a "facia" or flat narrow board such as a carpenter of the present day would use in a similar position, secured in the original structure to the ends of the rafters and supporting the eaves.

"Can't you prove he is not Jack Andrews?" "Not if the identity of the pearls is established," said the lawyer. "If the pearls were stolen, and if Jones cannot explain how he obtained possession of them, the evidence is prima facia that he is Jack Andrews, or at least his accomplice. Moreover, his likeness to the photograph is somewhat bewildering, you must admit."

Somehow, however, he did not think it was a hoax. The newspaper shop displayed the number given in the note on its grimy facia. The baronet, as he moved towards it, was unconscious of the slouching figure of the labourer, who had been selling matches near the Albany, a few paces behind him.

For years, in childhood, she had passed that sign without knowing what sort of things 'Bros, and 'Facia' were, and what was the mysterious similarity between a plumber and a version of the Bible. So she went sedately up the showroom stairs and thus to the bedroom floors of the house her house! Mrs. Povey's house!

Not being able to make myself understood I went outside, looked at the facia, and found I had gone to the wrong address. The shop for which I had been engaged was on the other side of the triangle. I hurried in, to be received with a scowl by the proprietor, who pointed significantly to the clock to intimate that I was very late.

When I got outside the building an appalling thought presented itself; whoever heard of a carpenter announcing himself ready for work without his tools. A minister may be without piety, a lawyer without clients, a politician impolitic, but a carpenter without tools, never! It would be prima facia evidence of an imposter.