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"So that now your school funds are all straight again?" "Ezac'ly! all straight an' comp'ehensive. An' what shell we say then? Shell we commit sin that grace may aboun'? Supposin' I has been too trancadillious; I say jis' supposin' I may have evince a rather too wifely pretendencies; what does they care fo' that? No, seh, all they wants is to git shet o' me." "And do you think they're wrong?" "Mr.

"Why, eh, y' yass'm. Oh, yass'm, ef you say so, my mistress; howsomever, you know what de good book say' 'bout de Ethiopium." "Can't change yes, I know; but this would be only for an hour or two and in the dark." "It'd have to be pow'ful dahk," sighed Euonymus, and from Robelia's sunbonnet came "Unh!" Rebecca interposed: "An' still, o' co'se, we all gwine do ezac'ly what you say."

Knocked again, and a third time; but in vain. Went next door and inquired of a pretty girl, who fell in love with him at a glance. "Yes, but they had moved. She wasn't jess ezac'ly sure where they had moved to, unless-n it was in that little house yondeh between St. Louis and Toulouse; and if they wasn't there she didn't know where they was.

No, I ain't never ezac'ly hear the news that the other one dead, but I suspicioned her, befo' she lef', o' bein' consumpted, an' O anyhow she's dead to me, seh! Now, the nex' time I marries eh? O yes, but the present Mis' Leggett can't las' much longeh, seh. I mistakened myseff when I aspoused her.

I'm a man o' rich an' abundant natu'e an' ought to a-got a spouse consistent with my joys an' destinies. I may have to make a sawt o' Emp'ess Josephine o' her ef she lives. "Y'ought to see the nex' one! Seh? Engaged? No, not yit; she as shy as a crow an' ezac'ly the same colo'! I'm done with light-complected women, seh. But y'ought to see this-yeh one! Shy as a pa't'idge! But I'm hot on her trail.

They espress they'se'ves to me as they agent that they like to confawm some prearrangement with you, sah." "Are you all on one plantation?" "Oh, no, sah, they ain't ezac'ly on no plantation. Me? Ob, I been a-goin' to the Freedman' Bureau school in Pulaski City as they agent. "Sah? Yass, sah, at they espenses p-he! "They? They mos'ly strowed round in the woods in pole cabins an' bresh arbors. Sah?