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I hope Honora and Sophy have given you satisfaction about the exact place of the new walks; as I cannot draw I can do nothing in that way, but I can tell you that I have been planting rhododendrons and arbutus in front of the euonymus tree. I hope you will have a good garden in your new residence, and that you will not be too hot in it.

When at noon, at a farmhouse, we had fed horses and dined, I at the planter's board, my "slaves" under the house-grove trees, Euonymus took the lines, and for five hours Luke slept inside. Then they changed places again, and Euonymus and I, face to face, watched the long hot day wane, and pass through gorgeous changes into twilight.

At broad noon, with an overseer and his gang close by in a corn-field, the seductions of a melon-patch overcame him and he howled away his freedom in the jaws of a bear-trap. His father and mother wept dumb tears and laid their faces to the ground in prayer. Euonymus was frantic. With all her superior sanity, she would not have left the region could she have persuaded us to go on without her.

And he stopped it by setting a high box, planted with a perfect little hedge of euonymus, on Granville's half of the top of the party wall. And he and Violet hid behind the window curtains all one Saturday afternoon, and watched "the poor johnnies being sold." There was no end to the fun he was getting out of Granville.

Euonymus had heaved the dog from his feet. The horn rang, and with a howl of terror the brute writhed free, leaped into the river and swam toward his master. I sprang on my horse and took the deep water: "Wait, boy! Wait!" It was hard getting ashore. When I reached the spot of grass I found only the front half of the runaway's hickory shirt, in bloody rags.

A tree twenty to twenty-five feet high, native of Queensland and New South Wales. The wood is used in the colony for turning and cabinet work, and Mr. W.G. Smith reports that for engraving purposes it seems suitable only for rough work, as diagrams, posters, etc. Euonymus sieboldianus, Blume. A Chinese tree, where the wood, which is known as pai'cha, is used for carving and engraving.

"You knows you kin." "No, mi'ss, takin' all roads as dey come I ain't no ways fitt'n'; no'm." "Well, daddy's fitt'n'!" said the sun-bonnet. Euonymus flinched, yet smilingly said: "Yass, da's so, but I ain't daddy, no mo'n you is." "Well, us kin go fetch him in th'ee shakes." Euonymus flinched again, yet showed generalship. "Yass'm, us kin go ax daddy." I smiled. "Let Robelia go and you stay here."

The little garden outside the principal door has a bowling-alley beneath a vine pergola, from which there is a beautiful view over the bay; and in it grow trees of euonymus and oleander with thick trunks, and an aloe, besides the usual roses, peaches, and mulberries. The communal palace was built in 1296; the back portion is part of the second temple.

But Euonymus could barely hold him off from face and throat. "Turn him broadside to me!" I shouted, having come into water breast-deep. "Let me put a hole through him!" But the fugitive's only response was: "Run, Robelia! 'Ever mind me! Run! Run!" And here came Hardy across the gravel-bar, in the saddle. I aimed at him: "Stand, sir! Stand!" He hauled in and lifted the horn.

I thought he was going to claim every dud for Robelia. Not so. "We all thanks you mighty much, madam, but in fac', ef de trufe got to be tol' " "It hasn't got to be told me, Luke, if I " "Oh, no, madam, o' co'se. I 'uz on'y gwine say a-concernin' Euonymus "