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Eriophorum polystachion. Festuca decumbens. Carex flavescens. Carex gigantea, probably Pseudocyperus. Carex trigona, probably vulpina. Carex elata, probably atrata. Carex nemorosa, probably pendula. And he is of opinion that the seeds may be sown to advantage.

You will recollect the name from the common woolly rush "eriophorum" which has a cloud of silky seed; and note also that he wears distinctively the flap cap, petasos, named from a word meaning "to expand;" which shaded from the sun, and is worn on journeys.

Determined at the New York Botanical Gardens: Ledum groonlandicum, Oeder. Comarum palustre L. Rubus arcticus L. Solidago multiradiata. Ait. Sanguisorba Canadensis L. Linnaea Americana, Forbes. Viburnum pancifloram, Pylaim. Ledum prostratum, Rotlb. Betula glandulosa, Michx. Kalmia angustifolia. Barbarea stricta, Audry. Eriophorum russeolum, Fries. My sincere thanks are due Prof. J.F. Kemp and Dr.

The rough parts of the plant are discovered to be particles of flint. ERIOPHORUM polystachion. COTTON GRASS. The down of the seeds has been used, instead of feathers, for beds and cushions; and the foliage in the north of Scotland is considered useful as fodder. GALIUM verum. YELLOW LADIES' BEDSTRAW. The foliage affords the dairy-maid a fine rennet for making cheese.