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"I hear they've put a cattle car up next ter ther injine fer sech sensitive people like you. Yer might enj'y a leetle siesta on ther straw." Ben sank back into his seat, and began to snore gently. "What about the story down on the Pecos, Bud?" said Dick. "You'd like to hear it, eh? Then I'll tell it to you.

"Thank ye, sir, thank ye sir," nodded Abigail, while Hezekiah offered his hand. "Shake, stranger, shake! An' I ain't too old, an' I'm agoin' ter prove it. I've got money, sir, heaps of it, an' I'm goin' ter spend it mebbe I'll spend it all. We're agoin' ter see Bunker Hill an' Faneuil Hall, an' we're agoin' ter ride in the subway. Now, don't tell me we don't know how ter enj'y ourselves!"

I had to explain that he would be captured and made to play whether he wanted to or not, whereat he beamed. Susie came in again to get our little table ready, and brought up the barrel-top which is her latest improvisation of a tray for Daddy's use. I rose to assist in the preparatives but Susie scorned my aid. "Ye jist set down an' enj'y yerself," she commanded me.

"Arrah now!" exclaimed Tim O'Rooney, "didn't ye saa that he was disgusted wid our paddling and kaaping him back, and has gone out jist that he may enj'y the pleasure of shtretching his arms in the owld-fashioned manner, as Father O'Shaughnessy said when he tipped over his brother?" This may have satisfied the Irishman, but hardly the boys.

Accordin' to some folks' notions, now-a-days, a man ought to enj'y only the property he heaps together himself." "If dis be so, your Herr Littlebage ist no arisdograt." "Wa-a-l, that isn't the idee, hereaway.

Sich obeyjince ud jist shuit me. Yes, I'd enj'y bein' Biship av the Cannebal Islands, or even av wan av um." "Faith is necessary," replied Heller. "You must believe that you are to be Bishop of the Cannibal Islands." "Sure an' it's not aisy at this distance to belave in the islands thimselves, let alone bein' spiritual father av the same," smiled the priest.

"But I dunno," he said to himself, in a way he had of making the best of things, "if I hadn't been hit I might ha' lived on and been drowned, and then there'd ha' been no pension to enj'y as I enj'ys mine; and I don't never have to buy no boots nor shoes, so there arn't much to grumble about, arter all."

That tongue of hers would blister a stone. And you and that young dog of a doctor enj'y listening to her as much as I do." Captain Jim came along another evening to bring Anne some mayflowers. The garden was full of the moist, scented air of a maritime spring evening. There was a milk-white mist on the edge of the sea, with a young moon kissing it, and a silver gladness of stars over the Glen.

There we can take our ease and enj'y the lovely fruits that the Almighty have provided for the refreshment of poor sea-worn mariners." "Then, baint there no Spaniards to Trinidad, Mr Dyer?" demanded one of the men. "Not yet there baint," answered Dyer. "Doubtless in time they'll find their way there; but at present they'm so eager after gold that they only settles where gold is to be found.

"Seems 'most as if you don't enj'y talkin' business with me," observed the Cap'n, with a meek wistfulness that was peculiarly aggravating to his grouchy partner. "I'd about as soon eat pizen!" stormed the other. "Then let's not do it jest now," the Cap'n returned, sweetly. "I've got something more important to talk about than stumpage.