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We all knew she drinked, and she wuzn't in a condition to go out with the children this mornin', and Miss Flamm would have noticed it and kep' 'em in, but the dog wuz sick all night, and Miss Flamm wuz up with it most all night, and she felt wore out this mornin' with her anxtety for the dog, and her want of sleep, and so they went out, and it wuzn' more'n half an hour before it took place.

You see I had a father and a mother, and my father wasn't of much account for he drinked like a fish. Then he walloped us all round, and come pretty near killin' the whole of us like he did mother." "Killed your mother, the wretch! what did you let him do it for?" asked one of the girls excitedly. "Couldn't help it Miss; but I'm comin' to that.

But at last a event occurred that sort a sot him to thinkin' and quelled him down some. One day we sot out for a walk, Josiah and Ardelia Tutt and me. And in spite of all my protestations, my pardner had drinked 11 glasses full of the spring he wuz a follerin' then. And he looked white round the lips as anything.

The Deacon wuz perfectly devoted to the temperance cause himself wouldn't drink a drop to save his life and dretful bitter and onforgivin' to them that drinked. But it happened that bottle of alcohol for their lamp got broke right onto the Deacon's clothes.

"Is it Pumblechook's house that has been broken into, then?" "That's it, Pip," said Joe; "and they took his till, and they took his cash-box, and they drinked his wine, and they partook of his wittles, and they slapped his face, and they pulled his nose, and they tied him up to his bedpust, and they giv' him a dozen, and they stuffed his mouth full of flowering annuals to prewent his crying out.

Between the courses we had the best tea I ever tasted of; only a few of the first leaves that open on the tea plant are used for this kind of tea, and a big field would be gone over for a pound of it. After it is cured it is flavored with the tea blossom. I had spozed I had made good tea to home on my own hot water tank, and drinked it, but I gin up that I had never tasted tea before.

And then, another one of her aunts, Drusilla Burpy, she married a industrius, hard-workin' man, one that never drinked a drop, and was sound on the doctrines, and give good measure to his customers: he was a grocer-man. And a master hand for wantin' to foller the laws of his country, as tight as laws could be follered.

"Yes, and you'll see four mules, a span of horses, two buggies, a double sleigh, and three buffalo robes. He's drinked 'em all up, and two horse rakes, a cultivator, and a thrashin' machine." "Why-ee!" sez I agin. "And where are the children?" "The boys have inherited their father's habits and drink as bad as he duz and the oldest girl has gone to the bad."

The water they drinked we could see wuz a bubblin' up and a runnin' over all the time, in big round crystal globes. And up, up on a slender pole way up over one of the wells hung another one of them crystal bowls, a bubblin' over with the water and sparklin'. And ag'in Josiah asked me if I thought Beuler land could compare with it?

"It's Chicago they live to, Ellery an' Mary." "Be that as it may," said the cap'n, "I've eat off my own plates an' drinked out o' my own cups a good many year, an' if anybody should try to give me a home, I'll bet ye, Letty, I'd be as mad as a hornet. I wisht you'd be mad, too. I'd think more of ye if ye was." "You've been blest in a good housekeeper," said Miss Letty, in a gentle recall.