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The Japanese servants at first acted in foreign employ precisely as they would have acted in the service of distinguished Japanese; and this innocent mistake provoked a good deal of abuse and cruelty. Finally the discovery was made that to treat Japanese like West Indian negroes might be very dangerous. A certain number of foreigners were killed, with good moral consequences. But I am digressing.

Those who have not heard her stories, have not listened to her eloquent voice that appeals not merely to the heart, but to the soul are to be pitied. But there I am digressing. Let me proceed. It was, I repeat, on the soul-inspiring occasion above mentioned that I was introduced to Mrs Forbes du Barry, who must be held responsible for the following story.

But I find I am digressing terribly, and the gloomy winter days of England, which make the recollection of a bright tropical morning so agreeable a task to contemplate, must be my excuse. After breakfast, I hurried down to the beach to see if Tom Frewin, the skipper of the little cutter, 'Daylight', would be likely to keep his promise, and have the vessel ready to start by noon.

Instead of losing himself by digressing from his subject and by placing himself on the summits of psychology, he remains with us, puts himself on the level of the most humble among us, and says to us all: "The best way to use common sense in daily life consists in declaring one's honest intentions. "What should I do if I were in the place of the person with whom I am discussing?

It is this that causes the curious criss-cross pattern of falling and rebounding rain-streaks in heavy showers. Quite likely there are more competent observers who might analyze these phenomena better than I can do it; but if nobody else does, maybe I shall one day make public a little volume containing observations on our summer rains. But again I am digressing.

"Oh, blast it!" yelled the Kid as he ran out into the street to escape the persecution. "Good Kid, all right," remarked Waffles. "He'll go around an' lick some Mexican an' come back sweet as honey." "Did somebody say poker?" Asked Bigfoot, digressing from the Kid. "Oh, yu fellows don't want no poker. Of course yu don't. Poker's mighty uncertain," replied Red.

While we have been digressing, the turtles have been dumped into the great moat that surrounds the fort, and, stretched upon the deck, the sable crew are fast asleep. The writer has been watching a large three-master moving along two or three miles beyond Loggerhead Key.

High and low, rich and poor anxiously await his coming. He may not shrink from the ghastly spectacle of human suffering and death. Humanity, in its most loathsome forms, is presented to him. The nearest and dearest may turn away in grief and horror, but the doctor blenches not. Again we are digressing.

"All that I altogether deny," said Wilson, "but, even if it were true, it would not affect the sociological laws." "I don't say it would. I only say that the sociological laws are as unimportant, if possible, as the law of gravitation." "Which," replied Wilson, "may be regarded as a reductio ad absurdum of your view." "Anyhow," I interposed, "we are digressing from our point.

All came and went leaving only diminished, diminutive copies of themselves clustered there in the brain as furtive shadows digressing the reality of the present into that which once was.