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Sir Amyas was for running out, but at the door they met a wench who only said, 'Bless you! that's nought. It's only my young lady in her tantrums! So in the servants' hall, Grey heard it was all because her mamma wouldn't let her put on two suits of pearls and di'monds both together.

Pity, that was; pity to put that kind of a strain on us, because there was bad blood between us from a couple of weeks back, and we was only friends in the way of business. Bad anyway, seeing there was only two di'monds betwixt three men.

All he's got to do is to have me watched, and wait wait till I slip ashore, thinking he is a thousand miles away, then slip after me and dog me to a good place and make me give up the di'monds, and then he'll oh, I know what he'll do! Ain't it awful awful! And now to think the OTHER one's aboard, too! Oh, ain't it hard luck, boys ain't it hard!

'Di'monds and pearls I have thrown away wid both hands an' fwhat have I left? Oh, fwhat have I left? "He was shakin' an' thremblin' up against my shouldher, an' the slugs was singin' overhead, an' I was wonderin' whether my little bhoy wud have sinse enough to kape his men quiet through all this firin'.

When General Rolleson came to that island and found his daughter and Robert Penfold livin' there in that house made out of pearls he'd built for her Wan't that him all over! Another man, the common run of man, would have been satisfied to build her a house out of wood and lucky to get that, but no, nothin' would do him but pearls, and if they'd have been di'monds he'd have been better satisfied.

"Nobody would ever imagine wot bags of gold an' parcels of di'monds sailors an' firemen carry around in their kit-bags till a ship is lost an' a Gover'ment 'as to pay." Watts deemed this an exquisite joke. He laughed loudly. "That reminds me," he cried. "W'en the Gem of the Sea turned turtle on the James an' Mary "

He wanted time to think this out. Such an altered face do our ambitions present to most of us as they draw closer, nearer to our grasp! Suddenly Fancy clapped her hands. "Why, of course!" she cried. "I always had an idea, somewhere inside o' me, that I'd be a lady one of these days very important and covered all over with di'monds, so that all the other women would envy me. You know that feelin'?"

"Help yourself," he said. I selected a cigar. "You're sure you haven't any butter the BEST butter?" "Ah, now, whadjer giving us? This ain't no Tiffany & Co. Best butter? Uh! P'r'aps you'd like to take a peck of di'monds home wid jer the best di'monds, mind, all ready shelled and fried in gold-dust. And just throw in a bunch of them German-silver banglelets for the salad. Yessir; charge 'em to Mr.

"I reckon it's a certainty that Pop requires considerable labor, though, and maybe this demented lady won't. If the wages is liberal " "We ought to see the lady, first," said Dave. "There's some lady pilgrims that couldn't hire me with di'monds." "The pay's all right and the lady's all right. She's French." "A mad'mo'selle?" they echoed. "It's a long story," said De Launay, smiling.

And there they set, now, and I told them they would be looking sick before I got done, and that is the way they're looking now. "Well, me and Huck Finn here, we come down on the boat with the thieves, and the dead one told us all about the di'monds, and said the others would murder him if they got the chance; and we was going to help him all we could.