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"Now you have got the book," said he, "I do hope you will erase that cruel slander on one whom you mean to honor with your hand." This proposal made Helen blush and feel very miserable. Of the obnoxious lines some were written by Robert Penfold, and she had so little of his dear handwriting. "I feel you are right, Arthur," said she; "but you must give me time.

I gave a solemn promise never to reveal it when I was first informed of its existence; and although in these days there is no occasion to hide priests or conspirators, I do not consider myself released from the promise I gave. Possibly some day the hiding-place may prove of value again. There may be a price set on the head of a Penfold, who can tell?

He will not tell you the truth; but no matter, we shall get hold of his handwriting." "But, sir," said Helen, "there is no need for that. Mr. Hand sent me a note along with the extracts." "The deuce he did. All the better. Any words in it that are in the forged note? Is Penfold in it, or Wardlaw?" Helen reflected a moment, and then said she thought both those names were in it.

The thin mystery for her thoughts did indeed drive through it pleased her; especially because it seemed to please him. Then Mrs. Penfold and Susy were brought down, and Mrs.

Penfold steeped in long years of three-decker fiction sat entranced. The cast-off and ill-treated wife returning to the scene of her misery with the heiress! grown up and beautiful: she saw it all; she threw it all into the moulds dear to the sentimentalist. Victoria demurred to the adjective "beautiful"; suggesting "pretty when we have fed her!" But Mrs.

Indiscreet hath it been in your Affability, O most lovely Discretion, to suffer a stray word to have broke out of the penfold of his mouth, that might overleap the fence of civility, and trespass on the manor of decorum."

Penfold, how you and I do take to one another, to be sure. But so we ought; for we are honest folk, the pair, and has had a hard time. Don't it never strike you rather curious that two thousand pounds was at the bottom of both our troubles, yourn and mine? I might have married Joe, and been a happy woman with him; but the Devil puts in my head There you go again hammering!

She specially insisted on ordering dinner, and writing various business letters; though Lydia would have been thankful to do both. And when the evening came on, Mrs. Penfold trembling with excitement and horror, chattered endlessly about the murder, as each visitor to the cottage brought some fresh detail. Lydia seldom answered her.

Victoria admitted that her thoughts had run far beyond what she knew in any true sense or had any right to conjecture. Nevertheless the fact in her belief remained a fact, that but for Faversham and some disastrous influence he had gained over her almost at once, Harry would have had his chance with Lydia Penfold.

The loss of the statement rendered me doubly downhearted. Oh, how much I had counted on it, assuring myself over and over again that it would surely clear my father's name! Hardly had my sister left me than there were more voices below, and I heard Mr. Woodward tell Booth that he had an order from Judge Penfold for a private interview with me. "Better go right upstairs then, Mr.