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Cherry's motion is carried, gentlemen," Santa said; "and I will now appoint a committee to draught a notice to be posted at the deepo, and to call around at the other banks and saloons in the town and notify verbally our fellow-citizens of the action we have taken and I will ask the Hen here kindly to inform the other ladies of Palomitas of our intentions, and to request their assistance in realizing them.

But as he was kept hitched to both handles of the safe right enough, and handcuffed, and as the two members of the Committee watching him while they was as pleasant with him as anybody never had their hands far off their guns, it's likely there'd been other times when he'd enjoyed himself more. Things was spirited at the deepo when the Denver train got in.

His voice, already very low, dropped several tones lower, as he hurriedly went on: "Well, Mr. Varney, the party come in on Number 14 just now. It ain't five minutes ago since he stepped down on the deepo platform disguised in some pretty good glad rags, he was, but o' course we spotted him right off, and " "Higginson?" The man nodded.

The Committee was in session in the waiting-room at the deepo while the Hen was doing her talking, and Santa with handcuffs on, and tied to the express messenger's safe was in the express office, with the door open between. Everybody seen the Hen was right, and hanging her would be ungentlemanly, and nobody seemed to know what they'd better do.

Mother! eddication wouldn't learn no woman how to make better bread'n yourn. Fact is, there's nothin' ekal to home, an home-vittles an' home-folks! With such a livin' ez I've took in, I sha'n't need a bite at the Agapolis deepo. We're half an hour there, but I hate the very smell o' them eatin' houses! An' please GOD! I'll bring Her in at twelve sharp!"

"Well," said Parker, after a pause, "the town will be upside down over this; and folks will be mighty glad to have it explained about your being out there so much, and at the deepo, and all this and that.

Shouldn't 'a' interrupted, Gov'nor; please scuse me, suh; but they boys was so pussistent, and it comed fum the deepo, and I was mos' feared the railways was done gone on a strike, and I thought maybe you'd oughter know, suh Gov'ner."

"He's be'n there to supper again. He was there all day yesterday, and with 'em at the lecture, and at the deepo day before and he looks like another man, and dressed up for him to beat thunder What do you expect makes him so thick out there all of a sudden?" "I hadn't thought about it. The judge and he have been friends a good while, haven't they?" "Yes, three or four years; but not like this.

Them statements of Shorty's set the boys to snickering some more there not being no ford on the Rio Grande this side of La Chamita, and the wagon-bridge being down back of the deepo where he said his ford was but Shorty paid no attention, and went on as smooth as if he was speaking a piece he'd got by heart.

You haven't looked about any yet, gentlemen? It's in the rough yet, in the rough. Those buildings will all have to come down. That's the place for the public square, Court House, hotels, churches, jail all that sort of thing. About where we stand, the deepo. How does that strike your engineering eye, Mr. Thompson? Down yonder the business streets, running to the wharves.