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By the time supper was over, Mr. Jones and Junior appeared, and my neighbor said in hearty good-will: "You got your cultivatin' done in the nick of time, Mr. Durham. This rain is a good hundred dollars in your pocket and mine, too."

And with easy money comin' in fresh and fresh every quarter, without havin' to turn a hand to get it, you'd 'most think he could take life cheerful. He don't, though. Hardly anything suits him. He develops into the club grouch, starin' slit-eyed at new members, and cultivatin' the stony glare for the world in general. And then, all of a sudden, his income dries up. Stops absolutely.

"Here's some more family pets for you that ain't any dangerouser than them you're cultivatin'. Take 'em home and study 'em." He climbed on the wheel and shook out of the folds of his coat a hornets' nest that he had discovered during his temporary exile under the grand-stand. It dropped into Mr. Bickford's lap, and with a swat of his coat Todd crushed it where it lay.

"Now," he said to Eve one evening, when the first proof had been almost wept over, "now, dearie, what author would you recommend to a man who has a natural likin' for reading, but owing to the circumstances of his life has had no opportunity of cultivatin' his taste?" "Well, uncle, a good deal would depend upon his inclination whether he liked poetry or fiction, or serious reading."

He had lined his pockets, and could take the new turn in his affairs with equanimity. "Wait till the steamers begin to run," Maudie said; "McGinty'll play that game with every new boat-load. Oh, McGinty'll make another fortune. Then he'll go to Dawson and blow it in. Well, Colonel, sorry you ain't cultivatin' rheumatism in a damp hole up at Glory Hallelujah?"

His eyes seemed less cheerful than usual, and his face less red. When the horses raised their heads from the trough, the boy led them to their stalls. His father followed him. "How was cultivatin', Frank?" he asked as he stepped into the barn. "Oh, it wasn't bad." "The ground was pretty hard, wasn't it?" "Not very."

Wal, as I was sayin' I was out among the Adirondacks one fall, airly in November; I'd wounded a deer, and sent Crop forward on his trail to overtake and secure him. It was a big buck, with long horns, and Crop had a pretty good general idea of what sich things meant. He was cautious about cultivatin' too close an acquaintance with such an animal, unless something oncommon obligated him to do so.

"It's the way with life that those that ax little usually get less," commented old Adam, "I ain't sayin' it's all as it ought to be, but by the time the meek inherit the earth thar'll be precious little left on it except the leavin's of the proud." "Thar ain't any way of cultivatin' a proud natur when you're born meek, is thar?" inquired his son.

I b'lieve they 'spect things to grow ov thimselves 'athout any cultivatin'. An' to see that poor young lady hillin' the corn herself I felt as I'd like to bate both the captin an' his fine idle son so I would, while I could stand over 'em.

"Well, yer see," said Sam, proceeding gravely to wash down Haley's pony, "I 'se 'quired what yer may call a habit o' bobservation, Andy. It's a very 'portant habit, Andy; and I 'commend yer to be cultivatin' it, now yer young. Hist up that hind foot, Andy. Yer see, Andy, it's bobservation makes all de difference in niggers.