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Every boat for these seas ought to be built of cedar wood and copper-fastened, which is by far the most economical in the end. And all houses should be built of wood which is as full as possible of gum or resin, since the large white ants devour not only other soft woods, but even Colonial blue gum-trees, the hard cocoanut, and window sashes, chairs, and tables!

Well if this is all, then?" and at my nod, she went up the steps, turning at the side door to smile and wave at me. What a woman! I could but admire her nerve. If her alibi proved copper-fastened, as something told me it would, I had no more hope of bringing home the murder of Thomas Gilbert to Mrs. Bronson Vandeman of Santa Ysobel than I had of readjusting the stars in their courses!

If there were boarding-houses in paradise Blodgett, the delight of mankind Solomon foresaw her A withering retort A modest, puny poise about her Hidden thoughts derived from Mother Eve and Grecian Helen The feminine council that ruled the Yankee captains Bonds of fraternity, double- riveted and copper-fastened Through the looking-glass Men only of the manliest sort The lady-paramount Hands which were true works of art Retained his dignity without putting it on Sighed heavily over my efforts Unctuous M. Huguenin "From dawn to eve I fell" The multum-in-parvo machine "Beauty and the Beast" Frank Channing "Blood-and water!"

A faint blue streak in the north seems like land. "September 10. Open water. "September 23. A series of storms. How the brig can stand it I can not see. I remember Potts telling me that she was built of mahogany and copper-fastened. She does not appear to be much injured. I am exceedingly weak from want and exposure. It is with difficulty that I can move about. "October 2. Three months adrift.

Some of the passengers, having been forewarned, were provided with heavy overcoats, oilskin hats, waterproofs, woolen socks, and stogies with great nails driven into the soles. They were iron-bound, copper-fastened tourists, thoroughly equipped Alpine-stock and all, and equal to any emergency. Certainly it rains whenever it feels like it in Alaska.

The ship was teak-built, and an unmistakable East-Indiaman; while of the barques, one was oak-built and copper-fastened, and the other a soft- wood vessel put together with iron.

The Crisis was an unusually fast ship, faster even than the Tigris; coppered to the bends, copper-fastened, and with a live-oak frame. No better craft sailed out of the republic. Uncle Sam had tried to purchase her for one of his new navy; but the owners, having this voyage in view, refused his tempting offers.

The very word summoned up the idea of a black, sea-worn craft, with high, cozy bulwarks, and rakish masts and yards. Coppered and copper-fastened! That fairly smelt of the salt water! How different such vessels must be from the wooden, one-masted, green-and- white-painted sloops, that glided up and down the river before our house on the bank. Nearly completed her cargo!

"Do you mean to say," asked Aunt Martha, "that you willingly and premeditatedly became a thief and midnight robber?" "That's what I am, ma'am," said he; "I don't make no bones about it. I'm a number one, double-extra, back-springed, copper-fastened burglar, with all the attachments and noiseless treadle. That's what I am, and no mistake.

The advertisements of pauperism chalked upon the flagging round the dock walls, are singularly accompanied by a multitude of quite different announcements, placarded upon the walls themselves. They are principally notices of the approaching departure of "superior, fast-sailing, coppered and copper-fastened ships," for the United States, Canada, New South Wales, and other places.