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And then in Spain,—’tis true, Lope de Vega and Calderon were most inordinate lickspittles; the Principe Constante of the last is a curiosity in its way; and then the Mary Stuart of Lope; I think I shall recommend the perusal of that work to the Birmingham ironmonger’s daughtershe has been lately thinking of adding “a slight knowledge of the magneeficent language of the Peninsulato the rest of her accomplishments, he! he! he!

And then in Spain, 'tis true, Lope de Vega and Calderon were most inordinate lick-spittles; the Principe Constante of the last is a curiosity in its way; and then the Mary Stuart of Lope; I think I shall recommend the perusal of that work to the Birmingham ironmonger's daughter; she has been lately thinking of adding 'a slight knowledge of the magneeficent language of the Peninsula' to the rest of her accomplishments, he! he! he! but then there was Cervantes, starving, but straight; he deals us some hard knocks in that second part of his Quixote; then there was some of the writers of the picaresque novels.

I will not have the vanity to apply to anything in this work the observation which M. Dacier makes in her preface to her Aristophanes: Je tiens pour une maxime constante, qu'une beaute mediocre plait plus generalement qu'une beaute sans defaut.

And therefore in tharmies, and emong every ten men, it is convenient that there bee one, of more life, of more harte, or at leaste wise of more aucthoritie, who with stomacke, with wordes, and with example, maie kepe them constante, and disposed to faight, and these thynges of me declared, bee necessarie in an armie, as the Heddes, the Ansignes, and the Drummes, is seen that wee have theim all in our armies, but none doeth his office.

La instrucción no ha atrofiado ni desmejorado ninguna de las facultades fundamentales de la mujer, sino, por el contrario, las ha elevado y enriquecido. Lejos de ser una carga constante para la familia, la mujer instruída ha sido muchas veces su sostén y apoyo en apurados trances.

It may be conceded that the form of his operas, with the alternation of airs, concerted pieces and recitativo secco, may conceivably strike the ears of the uneducated as old-fashioned, but the feelings of musicians may best be summed up in the word of Gounod: 'O Mozart, divin Mozart! Qu'il faut peu te comprendre pour ne pas t'adorer! Toi, la vérité constante! Toi, la beauté parfaite!

J'espere et je dois Croire que Vous Conte finc n'aurez pas bessoin de faire usage de Cette Instruction mais en cas de Malheur je Vous autorisse a L'Employer, et Marque que C'est apres Une Mure et saine Deliberation Ma ferme et Constante Volonte je le Signe de Ma Main et la Muni de mon Cachet,

And then in Spain, 'tis true, Lope de Vega and Calderon were most inordinate lickspittles; the Principe Constante of the last is a curiosity in its way; and then the Mary Stuart of Lope; I think I shall recommend the perusal of that work to the Birmingham ironmonger's daughter she has been lately thinking of adding "a slight knowledge of the magneeficent language of the Peninsula" to the rest of her accomplishments, he! he! he!

En el cuarto acto, que parece un acto de otra comedia, Matilde se halla el día de tornaboda en una miserable boardilla, pero en compañía de su constante esposo; no han comido la víspera, no se han desayunado aquel día: medios, Dios los ; dinero, por las nubes: en una palabra, pobres de solemnidad y solemnes pobres; la infeliz Matilde tendrá que levantar la cama; ... tendrá que barrer, que jabonar, que pasar hambres, que estar sola, porque su marido habrá de salir a buscar dinero.