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One was an American, the Missourian who had been the immediate cause of the fracas; the others were pelodos. I could see nothing of my late acquaintance. My fandanguera, too con su marido had disappeared; and on glancing at my left hand, I came to the conclusion that so also had my diamond ring! "Saint Vrain! Saint Vrain!" I called, seeing the figure of my friend enter at the door.

Up, and to the office, where I was all the morning doing business, at noon home to dinner, and after dinner down by water, though it was a thick misty and rainy day, and walked to Deptford from Redriffe, and there to Bagwell's by appointment, where the 'mulier etoit within expecting me venir.... By and by 'su marido' come in, and there without any notice taken by him we discoursed of our business of getting him the new ship building by Mr.

February 1st. Up, and to the office, where I was all the morning doing business, at noon home to dinner, and after dinner down by water, though it was a thick misty and rainy day, and walked to Deptford from Redriffe, and there to Bagwell's by appointment, where the 'mulier etoit within expecting me venir . . . . By and by 'su marido' come in, and there without any notice taken by him we discoursed of our business of getting him the new ship building by Mr.

I was still chatting with my lively partner. We were seated on the banquette where I had introduced myself. On looking casually up, a bright object met my eyes. It appeared to be a naked knife in the hands of su marido who was just then lowering over us like the shadow of an evil spirit.

Martin was, and I there drank with them and whispered with Betty, who tells me all is well, but was prevented in something she would have said, her 'marido venant' just then, a news which did trouble me, and so drank and parted and home, and there took up my wife by coach, and to Mrs. Pierce's, there to take her up, and with them to Dr.

CASERO. ¡Al anochecer!... Salir en un día de tornaboda a las ocho de la mañana y no volver hasta el anochecer, dígole a usted que no me da buena espina. DOÑA MATILDE. Puede que vuelva más pronto, y.... CASERO. Pues no crea que a me ha de traer como a un zarandillo ... y lo que son los trastos no valen ni treinta reales. DOÑA MATILDE. Caballero, mi marido es incapaz de....

Old Michell and his wife come to see me, and there we drank and laughed a little, and then the young ones and I took boat, it being fine moonshine. I did to my trouble see all the way that 'elle' did get as close 'a su marido' as 'elle' could, and turn her 'mains' away 'quand je' did endeavour to take one. . . . So that I had no pleasure at all 'con elle ce' night.

DON PEDRO. No te lo parece a ti ahora, que te sientas, por ejemplo, a la mesa, y si hay tortilla comes tortilla, sin informarte siquiera de a cómo va la docena de huevos; pero cuando seas ama de casa y veas volver a Toribio con la esportilla vacía, porque tu marido no dejó una blanca con que llenarla, ya verás entonces si se te cae la baba por la gracia.

I seemed not to take notice of it, but parted kindly; 'su marido' did alter with me almost a my case, and there we parted, and so I home troubled at this, but I think I shall make good use of it and mind my business more.

DON EDUARDO. ¡Hola! VECINA. Como usted lo oye ... y a fe que lo acierta ... para eso es casi un empleado ... con siete reales y lo que cae ... guarda de a caballo, para servir a usted y a Dios.... Ea, quédense ustedes con él. DON EDUARDO. ¿Con su marido de usted?