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Their energy and character have made themselves felt in every part of the island; and in the villages farthest from their charming home, one has simply to speak of a familia, "the family," and the introduction is sufficient. Almost every good institution or enterprise on the island is the creation of Mr. Dabney.

DON EDUARDO. Pero usted le habrá respondido, según costumbre.... DOÑA MATILDE. Lo bastante para indicarle que esto es la mayor perfección que usted tiene a mis ojos. DON EDUARDO. Muchas gracias. DOÑA MATILDE. En seguida se ha ensangrentado con la familia de usted ... con su persona ... vamos, le aborrece a usted con sus cinco sentidos ... ¡ya ve usted si es injusticia!

The governor required me to deliver up the Sacra Familia, and that we should all surrender, otherwise he would declare us pirates; and Mr Brooks told me he believed the governor meant to bully me. The governor proposed two ways for conveying us from the Spanish dominions, one of which was by Vera Cruz overland, and the other by sea to Lima.

Then finally Agias came bringing Artemisia, who, as has been related, was introduced by means of some little contriving into the familia as a new serving-maid.

6 The possession of goods which formerly stood seventh in the list, which was called tum quam ex familia, and that which stood eighth, namely, the possession entitled unde liberi patroni patronaeque et parentes eorum, we have altogether suppressed by our constitution respecting the rights of patrons.

I afterwards saw, at Dryburgh Abbey, the burying place of this predestinated and tenacious family, the inscription of which showed the value they set upon their antiquity: Locus Sepultura, Antiquessima Familia De Haga De Bemerside.

Clearly the master of the house had returned, and all the familia and freedmen bustled about their various tasks with the unusual promptitude and diligence which is the outcome of a healthy fear of retribution for slackness. Lentulus went into the atrium, and there had an angry conference with the local land-steward, over some accounts which the latter presented.

It is necessary to attend particularly to the character of the person called familiæ emptor. There is no doubt that at first he was the Heir himself. The Testator conveyed to him outright his whole "familia," that is, all the rights he enjoyed over and through the family; his property, his slaves, and all his ancestral privileges, together, on the other hand, with all his duties and obligations.

"Ahenobarbus does not like direct questions; hence ye will see his confusion when I ask him if it was he who gave command to imprison my 'familia' in the capital." Then he invited them to a feast "before the longer journey," and he had just made preparations for it when the letter from Vinicius came.

Tavus, 'shining, from 'tava' in Sanscrit, as well as Scythian, 'to burn' or 'shine, is Divus, dies, Zeus, e??, Deva, and I know not how much more; and Taviti, the bright and burnt, fire, the place of fire, the hearth, the centre of the family, becomes the family itself, just as our word family, the Latin familia, is from thymele, the sacred centre of fire. The hearth comes to mean home.