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This, also, was gall and wormwood to Ruthven, so long the official lap-dog of the very small set he kennelled with; and the women of that set were perverse enough to find Neergard amusing, and his fertility in contriving new extravagances for them interested these people, whose only interest had always been centred in themselves.

With poised feet I stand, and take breath for a little ere I speak. For much and in many ways hath been said ere now; and the contriving of new things and putting them to the touchstone to be tried is perilous altogether. In words find the envious their dainties: envy fasteneth ever on the good, and careth not to strive against the base.

Nature had intended her warm instincts to find vent in a mother's duties; her heart had yearned after children, and made her restless in her childless state, without her well knowing why; but now, the delight she experienced in tending, nursing, and contriving for the little boy even contriving to the point of sacrificing many of her cherished whims made her happy and satisfied and peaceful.

For you know, Aby, he is to have them when I am gone: and go I must, some time or another. He had even the confidence to tell me that, if Wenbourne-Hill were his, he would quickly undo every thing that I have been doing. Is not this a sad thing, Aby? For what have I been labouring? Have not we both spent our lives in contriving? How many charming thoughts have we had!

"Thank you, Tim," said Captain Dinks, actually smiling, which was the best sign he had shown for weeks; "your face is as good as a tonic any day, old friend, and you make me feel better already!" The very next day all began to prepare for the contemplated shifting of their quarters, Mr Meldrum so contriving that each had his quota of work to perform in making ready for the start.

It was plain enough, for there, about five hundred yards up the narrow pass, was Joeboy coming after us at a quick run, dodging round the great stones, and pretty well contriving to keep them between him and the enemy, whose rifles kept on spitting bullets fiercely after him. It was as Denham had suggested.

Having nothing else to amuse his solitude, he employed himself in contriving some plan to gratify his curiosity, in despite of the sedulous caution of Janet and the old Highland janizary, for he had never seen the young fellow since the first morning.

You saw now that on the other side of the golden bed sat Queen Freydis, making a rich glow of color there, and in her lap was the newborn naked child. Freydis rose, holding the child to her breast, and smiling. A devil might smile thus upon contriving some new torment for lost souls, but a fair woman's face should not be so cruel. Then this evil joy passed from the face of Freydis.

But again returned the old spirit of determination and contriving, and spinning about in his chair, he cast his eyes around the room for some suggestion. They halted at the big stoneware water-cooler. With a cry he was on his feet, thinking rapidly.

Hypocrisy is contriving, full of artifice, and arrogant sincerity is quite the reverse, aiming to be right fearing mistake avoiding even trifling deviations and slight compliances "sitting at the feet of Jesus" "clothed with humility," and in a "right mind!" Let us adore the grace which has hitherto prevented our falling, and humbly depend upon it for future preservation.