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There was a rapid mounting, and in five minutes they were all on horseback, curveting in circles, and brandishing their lances, but without advancing. "Manga Colorada hasn't reached here yet," observed Thurstane. "That's so," assented Texas Smith. "They hain't heerd from the cuss, or they'd a bushwhacked us somewhar. Seein' he dasn't follow our trail, he had to make a big turn to git here.

Indeed, I understand that Red Sleeve, or Manga Colorada, as you call him, is coming in with his band to make a treaty." "Admirable!" cried Coronado. "Why not hire him to guarantee our safety? Set a thief to catch a thief. Why does not your Government do that sort of thing? Let the Apaches protect the emigrants, and the United States pay the Apaches.

Manga Colorada spurred to the front of his people, shaking his lance and yelling for a charge. Only half a dozen followed him; his horse fell almost immediately under a rifle ball; one of the braves picked up the chief and bore him away; the rest dispersed, prancing and curveting. The opportunity for mingling with the emigrants and destroying them in a series of single combats was lost.

DON EDUARDO. Como que no hay cosa peor que el jabón y el agua caliente ... mas puedes estar segura, Matilde mía, que con la misma ilusión con que tu Eduardo te besa ahora esta mano tan suave y blanca, con la misma te la besará cuando la tengas áspera como una lija y colorada como un tomate.

During the four days which immediately followed his safe return to Santa , he and Garcia were in a worry of anxiety. Would Manga Colorada fulfil his contract and cast a shadow of peril over the Bernalillo route? Would letters or messengers arrive from California, informing Clara of the death and will of Muñoz?

Manga Colorada, absorbed by a thirst which was more burning than revenge, did not at first see the slayer of his boy, and when he did could not move toward him because of fevered mustangs, who would not budge from their drinking, or who were staggering blind with hunger.

Well, he could die but once; this whole affair was detestably risky; he must not lose time in shuddering over the first steps. "Mr. Smith," he said, "very glad to know that you are with us. Can you start in an hour for the camp of Manga Colorada? Sixty miles there. We must be back by to-morrow night. It would be best not to say where we are going."

"There are over a hundred warriors," said Thurstane. "Apaches," added one of the Mexican herdsmen. "What band?" "Manga Colorada or Delgadito." "I supposed they were in Bernalillo." "That was three weeks ago," put in Coronado. He was in profound thought.

In our account of this interview we shall translate the broken Spanish of the Indian into ordinary English. "Manga Colorada will help," he said, "if the pay is good." Even during this short dialogue the Apaches had with difficulty restrained their curiosity; and their little wiry horses were now caracoling, rearing, and plunging in close proximity to the two speakers.

"You have had two thousand," shuddered Garcia. "You were to do the whole accursed job with that." "I did not count on Manga Colorada. Besides, I have given a thousand to our little cousin. I must keep a thousand to meet the chances that may come. There are men to be bribed."