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"I'll go into court an' swear it if you'll let me be. I'll tell the jedge an' the jury that Joe Yankie told me an' Albeen an' Dumont that he bushwhacked Webb an' then cut his stick so that you-all got the blame. Honest to God, I will, Mr. Clanton. Jest you trust me an' see." "When did Yankie tell you that?" "He done told us at the camp-fire one night.

Their leader, a slender man with dusty gold lace banding his high collar, came directly to Rennie. "Don Cazar." His Spanish was a flood in which Drew was lost almost immediately, but Anse listened with parted lips and then translated a quick account. "This here’s th’ Coronel. He an’ his men was bushwhacked.

We could have used dynamite if we wanted to." "He's right," Sheldon assured her, as they swung in behind. "Any weapon was permissible. I lay in the grass where he couldn't see me, and bushwhacked him in truly noble fashion. That's what comes of having women on the plantation. And now it's antiseptics and drainage tubes, I suppose.

"No, I need him," he grumbled, "liable to be bushwhacked now, any time; and I want a dog to guard camp at night." He started towards the house, still looking up the canyon, and at the gate he stopped dead and listened. "What's that?" he asked, and glanced about wildly, but Billy only shook her head. "I don't hear anything," she replied, turning listlessly away, "but I wish you wouldn't go."

He opened an inner compartment lined with bags of gold. These he thrust into the gunnysack. The robber named Dave tied with shaking fingers the loose end of the sack. "Time to go," announced Houck grimly. "You're goin' with us far as our horses all of you. We ain't lookin' for to be bushwhacked." He lined up the bodyguard in front and on each side of himself and his accomplice.

They tell a lot of things like that on Brantley. Of course, I couldn't personally know it, but I know he was mighty mean and I know the way he died. Bushwhacking the Ku Klux "He belonged to the paterole gang and they went out after the Negroes one night after freedom. The Negroes bushwhacked them and killed four or five of them. They give it out that the men that was killed had gone to Texas.

Morgan secured a great advantage by seizing all the horses within reach, leaving none for the militia or for General E.H. Hobson, which enabled him to gain on his pursuers, and he would then have left Hobson far out of sight but for the home guard, who obstructed the roads somewhat, and bushwhacked his men from every hedge, hill, or tree, when it could be done.

There was a rapid mounting, and in five minutes they were all on horseback, curveting in circles, and brandishing their lances, but without advancing. "Manga Colorada hasn't reached here yet," observed Thurstane. "That's so," assented Texas Smith. "They hain't heerd from the cuss, or they'd a bushwhacked us somewhar. Seein' he dasn't follow our trail, he had to make a big turn to git here.

They bushwhacked him, I'll bet a stack of blues. I aim to git busy soon as I find out who done it." The red-headed man raised his voice a trifle. "Say, you kid there at the table come here an' hold these ropes! See you don't let the hawses at the other end of 'em git away!" Slowly the boy turned, pushing his chair round so that he half-faced the group before the bar. He neither rose nor answered.

He read how the Arla's whale boat had been bushwhacked at Su'u and had lost three men; of how the skipper discovered the cook stewing human flesh on the galley fire flesh purchased by the boat's crew ashore in Fui; of how an accidental discharge of dynamite, while signaling, had killed another boat's crew; of night attacks; ports fled from between the dawns; attacks by bushmen in mangrove swamps and by fleets of salt-water men in the larger passages.