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No one should be sad. I'm glad I'm alive! Right now I want to dance and shout, I'm so happy!" "Go to it, Joy!" laughed Bet. "No one will stop you!" The girl worked off her enthusiasm with a few well executed handsprings and cartwheels. "I'd better get rid of some of this energy or I may wreck the Manor!"

On the instant the loud rattle and thunder of cartwheels broke forth again, and now but a short distance up the lane; also a voice almost as loudly vociferating; and, almost before Mr. Fett could run back to us, a whole volley of stones flew hurtling across the road. "Hi, there! Halt!"

She waited for some time without hearing anything more: at last came a rumbling of little cartwheels, and the sound of a good many voices all talking together: she made out the words: "Where's the other ladder? Why, I hadn't to bring but one. Bill's got the other Bill! Fetch it here, lad!

Many a time, too, have I been gratified, in the same poetical hour, by the sweet sound of honest Ned M'Keown's ungreased cartwheels, clacking, when nature seemed to have fallen asleep after the day-stir and animation of rural business for Ned was sometimes a carman on his return from Dublin with a load of his own groceries, without as much money in his pocket as would purchase oil wherewith to silence the sounds which the friction produced regaling his own ears the while, as well as the music of the cart would permit his melody to be heard, with his favorite tune of Cannie Soogah.*

"Ye'll call me plain Martha, which is almost mother, and not a bit of 't. There Cornelia, my love! what do ye say?" "I can only reiterate my sister's words, which demand no elucidation," replied Cornelia. The forlorn woman turned her lap towards the youngest. "Ad'la! ye sweet little cajoler! And don't use great cartwheels o' words that leave a body crushed."

He was always running, leaping, jumping, climbing, turning cartwheels and somersaults, vaulting fences andchinninghimself unexpectedly whenever he came to a doorway. “Oh, Masther Billy, ’tis the choild that you are!” Granny would say, twinkling. “Yes, ma’am,” Billy would answer.

'I only want to know if they get clear away from the neighbourhood. 'Ah, said he, a light breaking upon him. 'Something desperate is to be attempted! and now I remember there was not a man about the village when we left. 'Hark! she murmured. The noise of the cartwheels had stopped, and given place to another sort of sound. ''Tis a scuffle! said Stockdale. 'There'll be murder!

Before Cortez reached the capital, Montezuma sent him twoas large as cartwheels,” one representing the sun, the other the moon, bothrichly carved.” During the sack of the city a calendar of gold was found by a soldier in a pond of Guatemozin’s garden. But these Spaniards did not go to Mexico to study Aztec astronomy, nor to collect curiosities.

The little babies, sporting in their carriages before some houses, leaned forward and looked as wise and awful as doctors in some occult diagnosis. Cartwheels, as they struck hard, articulated, "What, out! Boo! boohoo!" Sunshine all slanted her way. Hucksters' cries sounded like constables' proclamation: "Oyez! oyez!" With the perceptions, the reflections of Agnes were also startlingly alert.

Girls had no heads, anyway, that is, most girls. Grace, he decided, was almost equal to a man for coolness and good judgment. But there were few girls who could touch Grace Harlowe; and he did a series of cartwheels in the snow to emphasize his feelings, to the relief of everybody present, for the silence was becoming uncomfortable.