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Let's go and play at shoving each other, eh?" He doubtless nourished some wicked idea of dirtying the neat little girl; but she, on seeing him prepare to give her a push in the back, retreated as though about to return inside the shop. Muche thereupon adopted a flattering tone like a born cajoler. "You silly! I didn't mean it," said he. "How nice you look like that!

What better is there for a man, than to follow the example of his people, and to turn usurer, and money-getter, and cajoler of fools in his turn, even as his father was before him?" Synesius remained a while in deep thought, and at last 'And yet you came to me?

"That is finished. I had to see you. I had to talk to you. Go away, please. I cannot bear to see you any more. It is too terrible too terrible!" A born cajoler of women, he forced into play all his powers. He whispered a flood of words in her ear. His own voice shook, his eyes were soft. He pleaded as one beside himself.

I suppose your never-failing spear will be put in requisition again, when the spring opens; will it not?" "Der yes, your worship, unless I turn my attention to the catching ditter eels, or other slippery varments," returned the hunter, with a sly, significant twinkling of his eyes, as he brushed by the rebuked cajoler, and pushed on without waiting for a reply.

"Ye'll call me plain Martha, which is almost mother, and not a bit of 't. There Cornelia, my love! what do ye say?" "I can only reiterate my sister's words, which demand no elucidation," replied Cornelia. The forlorn woman turned her lap towards the youngest. "Ad'la! ye sweet little cajoler! And don't use great cartwheels o' words that leave a body crushed."

Then said Maheshwara: Ask me another time, O thou cajoler: for it is a long story, and now I have no more leisure: since I must go and bestow the favour of my presence on a ceremony performed by a pious devotee who has built me a new temple at Wáránasi. And canst thou guess who it is? And the Daughter of the Snow said: How in the world can I guess his name, of whom I never heard before?

I do not like this Monty Bell; he seems to be merely an eater of dinners and a cajoler of dames, such superficial chivalry of speech as he exhibits being only one of the many expedients that gain him the title of "socially indispensable" that the Whirlpoolers accord him. Personally anything but attractive, he seems able to organize and control others in a most singular way.

"Ay, and brave his wrath by so doing," returned De Kellaw; "for, since he cannot lay hands on those that have disappointed him, he will lay hands on us that bring him word of the matter. To be near to the king, if thou be not a liar or a cajoler, is to stand in a dangerous place." "Yea," answered De Skirlaw, "thou art right; but we needs must return. So let us set out."

And if his lord wishes to lie, he is quite ready with his assent; and whatever his lord says, he asserts to be true; never will he who associates with courts and lords be tongue-tied; his tongue must serve them with falsehood. My heart must needs do likewise if it wishes to have grace of its lord; let it be a flatterer and cajoler.

"Ye'll call me plain Martha, which is almost mother, and not a bit of 't. There Cornelia, my love! what do ye say?" "I can only reiterate my sister's words, which demand no elucidation," replied Cornelia. The forlorn woman turned her lap towards the youngest. "Ad'la! ye sweet little cajoler! And don't use great cartwheels o' words that leave a body crushed."