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J'aurois bien desiré voir Alep; mais la caravane n'y allant point et se rendant directement

Relying on Your Excellency's generosity, Mr. Corréard begs you to be pleased to transmit to him some information respecting his benefactors, and particularly the honorable Major Peddy, to whom he has vowed eternal attachment, I have the honour to be, &c. Paris, March 5, 1817. The flute La Caravane, commanded by Mr.

She would frequently sit at the piano one of the few pieces of furniture contained in this apartment, and play for Rosas Oriental melodies that would transport him far away in thought, to the open desert, by the slow lulling of David's Caravane, then abruptly change to that familiar air, that rondeau of the Variétés that he hummed yonder, on his dunghill, forsaken

Le chef de la caravane s'apprêtoît

Le lendemain de mon arrivée je vis la caravane qui revenoit de la Mecque. On la disoit composée de trois mille chameaux: et en effet elle employa pour entrer dans la ville près de deux jours et deux nuits. Cet événement fut, selon l'usage, une grande fête. Le seigneur de Damas, ainsi que les plus notables, allèrent au devant de la caravane, par respect pour l'Alkoran qu'elle avoit.

Nous étions partis de Balbec deux heures avant le jour, et notre caravane étoit compsée de quatre

Trois Génois avoient acheté des épices aux gens de la caravane, et ils se proposoient d'aller les vendre

We had no less than four naval consorts "La Caravane," guard-ship, store-ship, and hospital-hulk; a fine transport, "La Riege," bound for Goree; "La Recherche," a wretched old sailing corvette which plies to Assini and Grand Basam on the Gold Coast; and, lastly, "La Junon," chef de division Baron Didelot, then one of the finest frigates in the French navy, armed with fifty rifled sixty-eight pounders.

La caravane étoit composée de Maures, de Turcs, Barbes (Barbaresques), Tartres (Tatars), Persans et autres sectateurs du faux prophète Mahomet. Ces gens-l

The cries of the caravane, the "knock-kneed" plover of Egypt, yellow-beaked and black-eyed, resounded in the more barren belts. The ravens, here as elsewhere, are a plague: flights of them occupy favourite places, and they prey upon the young lambs, hares, and maimed birds.