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While the fevered blood was throbbing in his veins, he declared that he was but slightly indisposed, and summoned a musical band to his presence, with orders that the musicians should perform only the most animating and cheerful melodies.

What a childhood must it have had to look back upon cradled in disgrace, sung to sleep with the simple melodies of grief, bred for no high purposes, but with the one distinct and dreadful idea of gain to be filched from that dusky bosom when its little limbs had first essayed motion, that its feeble lips might lisp the accents of servility.

He is like Michel Angelo, who, in his frescoes, put the cardinal who had offended him to roast under a mountain of devils; or, like Dante, who avenged, in vindictive melodies, all his private wrongs; or, perhaps still more like Montaigne's parish priest, who, if a hailstorm passes over the village, thinks the day of doom has come, and the cannibals already have got the pip.

He was looking straight past us all out into the dusk of the piney mountains beyond, his soul in the music he was producing. They were simple melodies, full of sentiment, and he played as though he loved them. Within the sound of his bow a dead silence reigned. Men stood with eyes cast down, their faces sobered, their eyes adream.

The value of these melodies, their distinction, their novelty, and charm, can be very well contested; it is not for me to appraise them.

In 1895, as the result of a meeting organised by the Correspondance générale de l'Instruction primaire, delightful collections of folk-songs were distributed in the schools. The melodies were taken from old airs collected by M. Julien Tiersot, and M. Maurice Buchor had put some fresh and sparkling verses to them.

They have not settled which it is to be taught in the nursery with the other kindergarten melodies." He was still unsuspectingly diverted; and we walked along until we turned in the direction of my boarding-house. "Did you ever notice," I now said, "what a perpetual allegory 'Midsummer-Night's Dream' contains?" "I thought it was just a fairy sort of thing."

The strains of that most inspiriting and suggestive of national melodies, the 'Wilhelmus van Nassouwen, rang through the air, and when they were silent, the chief magistrate poured forth a very eloquent and tedious oration, and concluded by presenting him with a large orange in solid gold; Maurice having succeeded to the principality a few months before on the death of his half-brother Philip William.

Also the soul is a poet of the first water, though she uses no words; and the soul is a weaver of melodies, though she makes no sound; but above all, and before all, the soul is a great lover. Now we know in this earthly life that a lover desires above everything else the love of her whom he loves. Only when she whom he loves returns his love, can he truly enjoy her. So also the Divine Lover.

Some of the constituents of the ever-varying product a product which is new each time the part is played are fixed. Da Ponte's Cherubino and Mozart's melodies remain unalterable. All the rest is undecided; the singer and the listener change on each occasion.