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Sponge was too well versed in horse-flesh to imagine that such an animal would be in the possession of such a third-rate dealer as Buckram, unless there was something radically wrong about him, and as Sam and Leather were paying the horse those stable attentions that always precede a show out, Mr.

The second shot hit Lucien's coat collar, but the buckram lining fortunately saved its wearer. The third bullet struck him in the chest, and he dropped. "Is he dead?" asked Michel Chrestien. "No," said the surgeon, "he will pull through." "So much the worse," answered Michel. "Yes; so much the worse," said Lucien, as his tears fell fast. By noon the unhappy boy lay in bed in his own room.

Henley has brought to the task of selection an instinct alike for poetry and for chivalry which seems to us quite wonderfully, and even unerringly, right. Guardian. Buckram. 6s. Also 40 copies on hand-made paper. Demy 8vo. £1, 1s. net. Also 15 copies on Japanese paper. Demy 8vo. £2, 2s. net 'A delightful volume: a really golden "Pomp." SPECTATOR.

He looked at me first, as asking himself what he was to understand by this novel proposal; and then, his countenance most graciously relaxing, said, he was glad I was come off a little of my high notions and my buckram, and he would see what he could do. Two days after, he signified his compliance.

It was drawn by four plodding oxen all covered with black housings; on each horn they had fixed a large lighted wax taper, and on the top of the cart was constructed a raised seat, on which sat a venerable old man with a beard whiter than the very snow, and so long that it fell below his waist; he was dressed in a long robe of black buckram; for as the cart was thickly set with a multitude of candles it was easy to make out everything that was on it.

Author of "The Prisoner of Zenda," "The Indiscretion of the Duchess," etc. With portrait and notice of the author. Narrow 16mo, buckram. 75 cents. "A highly clever performance, with little touches that recall both Balzac and Meredith. Mr. Hope, being disinclined to follow any of the beaten tracks of romance writing, is endowed with exceeding originality." New York Times.

And this reminds us, that we may as well state that his bargain with Buckram was a sort of jobbing deal. He, we may add, had got him for ten, and dear he thought him when he got him home. The world was now all before Mr. Sponge where to choose; and not being the man to keep hack horses to look at, we must be setting him a-going. 'Leicesterscheer swells, as Mr.

He turned away to get a chair, from which he had to move a mass of tissue-paper patterns and buckram linings. He brought it to the rug. "Yes. I stopped last night late to cash up for Vedder, so he's staying to-night. Turn and turn about. Well, tell us all about it, Bess." Their faces were red in the firelight.

Then will they read out of nothing but first editions; every day shall be a debauch in large paper and tall copies; and crushed morocco shall be familiar to their touch as buckram. Meanwhile, though, books continue to flaunt their venal charms; it would be cowardice to shun the fray. In fine, one buys and continues to buy; and the promised Sabbath never comes.

The tuft of evergreens which crowns the hill about Dickens' retreat is the remnant of thick woods once closely bordering the highway, in which the "men in buckram" lay concealed, and the robbery of the Franklin was committed in front of the spot where the Dickens house stands. By this road passed Chaucer, who had property near by, gathering from the pilgrims his "Canterbury Tales."