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It was given out that he had broken a blood-vessel, and he was conveyed to Altona, where his wound was cured, and he subsequently recovered from his derangement. M. Konning, who was a native of Holland, was a worthy man, but possessed no decision of character, and but little ability. At this juncture exaggerated reports were circulated respecting the approach of a Russian corps.

"He can scarcely be dead; let me look at him, I am something of a doctor," and he knelt by the senseless and bleeding Adrian to examine him. "Take comfort, Vrouw van Goorl," he said presently, "your son is not dead, for his heart beats, nor has his friend Martin injured him in any way by the exercise of his strength, but I think that in his fury he has burst a blood-vessel, for he bleeds fast.

He beheld the same as he had seen it in his vision of the night before the changed and lifeless countenance of Emily Mandeville! That face, still so tenderly beautiful, was partially turned towards him. Some dark stains upon the lip and neck told how she had died the blood-vessel she had broken before had burst again.

Lygon, weapon in hand and bleeding freely, waited for him to rise and make for the canoe again. Ten, twenty, fifty seconds passed. Dupont did not rise. A minute went by, and still there was no stir, no sign. Dupont would never rise again. In his wild rage he had burst a blood-vessel on the brain. Lygon bound up his reeking wound as best he could. He did it calmly, whispering to himself the while.

Tou Tou, indeed, adduces a gloomy case of a young man, who spent two years and a half in dumb longing, and broke a blood-vessel and died at the end of them; but this is so discouraging an anecdote, that we all poo-poohed it as unauthentic. "Perhaps he does not mean to speak at all!" says the Brat, starting a new and hazardous idea; "perhaps he means to take it for granted!"

Regula Baddun's owner said: "I throw in my mare to fret Ousel. Six furlongs is Regula's distance, and she will then lie down and die. So also will Ousel, for his jockey doesn't understand a waiting race." Now, this was a lie, for Regula had been in work for two months at Dehra, and her chances were good, always supposing that Shackles broke a blood-vessel OR BRUNT MOVED ON HIM.

Take such a simple thing as the mere apparently blind habit possessed by the blood of coagulating as soon as it comes in contact with the edges of a cut or torn blood-vessel, and think what an enormous safeguard this has been and is against the possibility of death by hemorrhage.

I have heard him say, speaking of his wife, "Not only do I love her, but I venerate her." When he flies into a passion which defies all restraint and bursts all bonds, the little woman retires into her own room and leaves him to shout. But four or five hours later she will say: "Don't get into a passion, my dear, you might break a blood-vessel; and besides, you hurt me."

This did not relieve him. A sharp pain across the chest, and a fluttering at the heart, as of a bird struggling to be free, succeeded this faintness. Another rush of blood to the head: and a snap, as of some tendon, was distinctly felt by the sufferer. His mouth filled with blood. A small blood-vessel had burst, and temporary insensibility ensued. Sir Henry was wholly unprepared for this scene.

This time it was Callonby. "Where's young Raddleston? What are you young beggars up to? is Raddleston here?" "Yes," mildly answered the voice of Master Raddleston, who a moment ago had nearly broken a blood-vessel in his endeavours to scream in a whisper. "Come here, then." The fag meekly obeyed.