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Here was the woodsman's golden opportunity an opportunity for which he had been thirsting since the receipt of that letter. He already regarded his triumph over the bear as secure, and its hide as forfeited. He nearly caused Neal Farrar to burst a blood-vessel from the combined effects of struggling laughter and running, when he began to apostrophize the flying foe with grim humor, thus:

Five or six months after this interview, poor Moliere broke a blood-vessel in his chest, while playing with too great fervour the title part in his "Malade Imaginaire." When they brought the news to the King, he turned pale, and clasping his hands together, well-nigh burst into tears. "France has lost her greatest genius," he said before all the nobles present.

It's a blood-vessel. We have sent for Medlicott, and telegraphed for the others. But oh! they are so far off!" Mrs. Brownlow gave Barbara one kiss, and put her into Jock's arms, then sprang into the cab, followed by John, and was driven off. The other three walked in the same direction, almost unconsciously, as Armine explained more fully.

Yes, yes; they began to expand in unctuous conjecture that merged into deliberate assertion, when some one remarked that Mrs. Errington had died in exactly three minutes of the rupture of a blood-vessel on the brain. So this comfortable theory was exploded. And no other seemed tenable.

Say, don't you know you're a sick man?" Fogg gazed at his friend more in surprise than anger, and turned his head aside. "Did you hear what I said? You don't mean to tell me that you are going out in the streets to-day?" "Why not?" replied Fogg. "After what took place last night?" "I must, you know!" "With a busted blood-vessel in your innards and a a a "

Before this was accomplished, he learnt from the agent that Lady Annaly was in great affliction about her son, who had broken a blood-vessel. He could not think of intruding upon her at such a time and, in short, he put it off till it seemed too late to write at all.

Ten minutes went by and suddenly Foss spoke "Did you have to go far?" And Alfred's hard voice answered "Yes." Then she heard the two men working, tools clattering, murmured voices, and in ten minutes Foss said: "Try the starting handle." She heard the efforts, the labour of Alfred at the handle. "He will kill himself he will break a blood-vessel," she thought as she listened to him.

The result was that he and I were talking at the same time, our spoken thoughts colliding in mid-air and making gibberish. The constable grew more imperative, and perforce I had to listen. Nickey was heaving on the anchor till I thought he'd burst a blood-vessel. When the constable got done with his threats and warnings, I asked him who he was.

I reckon he knew Pochette pretty well. He got his rig in place and climbed down and went to his horses' heads. "Now, shove off, dammit," he ordered, just as if no one had been near bursting a blood-vessel within ten feet of him. Pochette gulped, worked the point of his beard up and down like a villain in a second-rate melodrama, and shoved off.

And Brian, although he knew well enough in his sober senses that the phenomenon they had just seen was merely caused by the breaking of some small blood-vessel in the brain, such as often occurs after death, was so far dominated by the impression of the moment that he walked out of the room, not daring to justify himself in his mother's eyes, not daring to raise his head.