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They remind me of the gang in the billiard-room back home. The billiard-roomers the chronic ones don't have any business, either, except to keep the dust from collectin' on the chairs. That and talkin' about hard times. These chaps don't seem to be sufferin' from hard times, much." "No. Most of the younger set have rich fathers or have inherited money." "I see.

As for the billiard-roomers providin' any jine they've never been known to vote for anybody but themselves. I can't see no light yet nothin' but fog. "He winks, sly and profound. 'That's all right, says he. 'Fisher and I have planned that. You watch! "Sure enough, they had.

But the billiard-roomers; they didn't jine. They looked sort of sheepish, and set still. When Mr. Fisher begun to hint p'inted in their direction, they got up and slid outdoor. And right then I'd ought to have smelt trouble, but I didn't; had a cold in my head, I guess likely. "Next thing was to build the new clubhouse, and Gabe went at it hammer and tongs.

But Bassett and Ellis looked more worried than glad, and when the votin' took place I understood the reason. Them new members had divided even, and the ballots stood Bassett thirteen and Ellis thirteen. The tie was still on and the election was put off for another week. "In that week, surprisin' as it may seem, two more billiard-roomers seen a light and jined with us.