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"What was yu doin' to my cayuse afore yu come in?" Asked Buck. "Nothin'," replied the newcomer. "That was mine what I kicked in th' corrugations." "How is it yore ridin' the calico?" Asked the foreman. "I thought yu was dead stuck on that piebald." "That piebald's a goat; he's beein livin' off my pants lately," responded Hopalong.

"What, YOU married now?" "Well, perhaps that's a question. It's a good deal like my beein' an orphan oncertain and onsettled." He paused to pursue an evasive crumb to the end of the bench and having captured it, went on: "It was when I was younger than you be, and she warn't very old neither. But she knew a heap more than I did; and ez to readin' and writin', she was thar, I tell you, every time.

"Pray, since when have serving-maids beein allowed exit from the main hall of the British embassy?" Mr. Robert was positive that the shadow of a sarcastic smile rested for a moment on her lips. But it was instantly hidden under the poppies. "That is something of which I have no intimate knowledge. A groom is not supposed to turn his head when on the box unless spoken to.

All hard cases, they is." "If yeer Onher plases, might a woman o' my standin' say a woord in her own difince? Sure its only a woord, Judge, an beein a dacent gintleman ye'd not refuse me the likes." "Silence, there!" ejaculates Mr. Seargent Stubbs; "you must keep quiet in court." "Faith its not the likes o' you'd keep me aisy, Mr. Stubbs. Do yee see that now?" returns the woman, menacingly.

We was living then in a solitary place, but among the beautifullest trees, and with the roses a-covering our Beein to the roof. We all do that, all the colony over. He'd got an old newspaper with him, and some other account in print of the storm. That's how she know'd it. When I came home at night, I found she know'd it.